Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Announcements for Wednesday, September 30, 2009

  1. Ping Pong Club starts up again on Tuesday, October 13th

Ping Pong Club is limited to 20 students so membership is first come, first served.

Sign ups are in Mr Snell's Rm #115 and for 7th and 8th grade students only.

Ping Pong Club will meet every Tuesday from 2:40 until 4:00.


  1. Interested in taking better photographs? Want to learn more about PhotoShop?

Let your creativity loose in Photo Club!

Photo Club is open to all 7th and 8th grade students and will meet in Mr. Snell's room #115 every Thursday from 2:40 until 4:00.

Stop in and sign up today.

Be a more creative photographer by joining Photo Club beginning October 8th.


  1. The writing club is need of investigative reporters for the Bulldog Press. If you are interesting in writing for the school newspaper, the writing club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, October 1 from 2:40 - 3:10. You need to have a permission form signed in order to attend. Permission forms can be found in the office.


  1. The first meeting for Shakespeare Club has been postponed!  We will be meeting in Ms. Moyer’s room on Wednesday October 7 at 2:45.  Get your sign up form from Mrs. Kearney or Ms. Moyer this week!


  1. 8th Grade students attending the Wharton Esherick Field Trip tomorrow or Friday are reminded to submit their paperwork ASAP ...


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, September 29, 2009

1.      There will be a mandatory meeting for all 6th graders attending this week's Phillies game during Activity today in Mr. Allison's room.


2.      International Puppetry Club meets Thursday after school in room 120A (next to the TV studio). Late bus is provided.  The club’s members will learn about puppetry in different parts of the world, write scripts, perform, and make puppets.


3.      Those students attending the Wharton Esherick field trip with Mr. Frescoln on Thursday or Friday of this week are reminded to submit their paper work ASAP!!!


4.      The writing club is need of investigative reporters for the Bulldog Press. If you are interesting in writing for the school newspaper, the writing club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, October 1 from 2:40 - 3:10. You need to have a permission form signed in order to attend. Permission forms can be found in the office.


5.      Do you need help doing your homework, studying for tests, or staying organized?  Join the TEMS Tutoring Club!  Tutors from Conestoga High School come to the TE library every Monday through Thursday to offer help in an environment that's fun but focused. The first day of Tutoring Club this year will be Tuesday, September 29. Tutors will stay until 3:30, but TE students can work until 4:00. If you are interested in signing up, please see your guidance counselor for a permission form or ask Mrs. O'Connor in room 110 if you have questions.  Hope to see you there!


6.      Dance club starts next week. See Ms. Seymour in room 225 for a permission slip, times, and dates.


7.      There will be sectionals for all boys in both 5th & 6th chorus during lunch activity today.  All boys in 5th & 6th chorus and any boys who would still like to join should report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.


8.      6th Grade Chorus will rehearse immediately after school today in Room 10.



Friday, September 25, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of Sept 28

9/29/09 BSOC    EISENHOWER      H       3:15    7, 8    VFMS  
9/29/09 VB          EISENHOWER      H       3:15    8, 7    TEMS  
9/30/09 GSOC    EISENHOWER      A       3:30   
8 + 7black   EMS   
9/30/09 FH          EISENHOWER      A       3:30    7, 8    EMS   
9/30/09 UFB       BALA CYNWYD     H       3:15    -       VFMS  
9/30/09 WFB     UPPER MERION    H       3:15    -       Teamer Field  
10/2/09 FH         STEWART              H       3:15    8, 7    TEMS  
10/2/09 BSOC    STEWART             A        3:30    8, 7    SMS   
10/2/09 VB          STEWART             A        3:30    8, 7    SMS   
10/2/09 GSOC    STEWART             H       3:15    7       VFMS  

Annoucements for Friday September 25, 2009

1.     The writing club is need of investigative reporters for the Bulldog Press. If you are interesting in writing for the school newspaper, the writing club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, October 1 from 2:40 - 3:10. You need to have a permission form signed in order to attend. Permission forms can be found in the office 



2.     Do you need help doing your homework, studying for tests, or         staying organized?  Join the TEMS Tutoring Club!  Tutors from Conestoga High School come to the TE library every Monday through Thursday to offer help in an environment that's fun but focused. The first day of Tutoring Club this year will be Tuesday, September 29. Tutors will stay until 3:30, but TE students can work until 4:00. If you are interested in signing up, please see your guidance counselor for a permission form  or ask Mrs. O'Connor in room 110 if you have questions.  Hope to see  you there!



3.     Dance club starts next week. See Ms. Seymour in room 225 for a permission slip, times, and dates.




Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Annoucements for Wednesday September 23, 2009

1. School Picture Day is coming on Thursday. Remember to bring in the completed order form that you received in homeroom.

2. Attention all 5th & 6th graders: there will be sectionals during lunch activity today for all boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus. Any boy who is registered for 5th or 6th grade chorus and all boys who would still like to join chorus should report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.

3. Dance club starts next week. See Ms.Seymour for a permission slip and to ask questions.

4. Any 7th or 8th graders who are interested in ringing handbells this year should see Miss Moyer in Room 10 during lunch activity this Friday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday September 22, 2009

1. School Picture Day is coming on Thursday. Remember to bring in the completed order form that you received in homeroom.

2. Attention all 5th & 6th graders: there will be sectionals during lunch activity today for all boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus. Any boy who is registered for 5th or 6th grade chorus and all boys who would still like to join chorus should report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.

3. Shakespeare Club will begin next week. Registration forms will be available from Miss Moyer and Mrs. Kearney beginning tomorrow.

4. 7/8 Handbells will begin next week. See Miss Moyer beginning tomorrow for more information.

5. Dance club starts next week. See Ms.Seymour for a permission slip and to ask questions.

Friday, September 18, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of 9/21

9/22: Fall Sports Parents Meeting, 4:30, large gym

9/24: Fall Sports Picture Day, at the fields at practice

9/25: Girls Soccer AWAY at Lionville MS, 8th grade plays at 3:15 followed by 7th grade

Announcements for Friday, September 18, 2009

1.      Attention 7th grade field hockey player:  Practice has been cancelled this week.  Our first practice will be Monday, September 21 at 3:00.


2.      8th grade volleyball practice will start Monday. Please report to room 122 after school.


3.      On this day in 1793, George Washington lays the cornerstone to the United States Capitol building, the home of the legislative branch of American government.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Announcements for Thursday September 17, 2009

  1. Attention all 5th & 6th graders - any 5th or 6th grader who would like to be in chorus but has not attended a sectional yet this week, please see Miss Moyer in Room 10 during lunch activity today.


  1. 5th Grade Chorus will meet immediately after school today in Room 10.  5th Grade Chorus members who still need a shuttle bus pass - please get it from Miss Moyer during lunch activity today.


  1. Attention 7th grade field hockey player:  Practice has been cancelled this week.  Our first practice will be Monday, September 21 at 3:00.


  1. Today we celebrate the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America on September 17, 1787.   In May of 1787, 55 men met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to make some changes to the Articles of Confederation. After many discussions, several debates, and a great many compromises, these men created a totally new document to govern the United States of America.  This was the Constitution.


The Constitution was only four large hand-written pages long, but it created the ideas on which the United States government is founded – ideas of liberty, equality and justice.  None of the signers were completely satisfied with the final document because it was impossible to please everybody about everything, but they knew they had done their very best. They also created a way to make changes in the document, if needed, through something called amendments.  In over 200 years, we have only changed, or amended, the Constitution 27 times.  It remains the foundation of our government and country today.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Announcements for Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1.      Eighth grade field hockey practice starts today.  Please meet in Mrs. Patek's room at 3:00 dressed ready to practice.


2.      There will be sectionals for all girls in both 5th and 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.  Any 5th or 6th grade girl who is signed up for chorus or who would still like to join chorus should report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.


3.      Attention 7th grade field hockey player:  Practice has been cancelled this week.  Our first practice will be Monday, September 21 at 3:00.


4.      Attention anyone interest in joining TV Studio:  There is a meeting today, September 16th, right after school in room 226 for anyone interested in joining TV Studio.  If you cannot attend please see either Mr. Ferris or Ms. Crocker.  This is for new TV Studio members only, returning member who have turning in their paperwork do not need to attend.


5.      Attention returning TV Studio Members:  If you have not yet turned in your paperwork you will not be on the schedule for next week.  Please remember to turn in your paperwork to either Mr. Ferris or Ms. Crocker.


6.      All 8th grade girls who have their paperwork completed for volleyball can meet in room 122 after school on Thursday for practice.  Those girls who are interested in playing must complete all forms and hand them in to Mrs. Stead in the main office.  Please see Mrs. D'Angelo for any questions.



Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1.   Attention 7th grade field hockey players:  Practice has been cancelled this week.  Our first practice will be Monday, September 21 at 3:00.


2.   Attention any student wishing to join TV Studio:  There will be a meeting this Wednesday, September 16th right after school in room 226 for new TV Studio members.  If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in joining TV Studio please see Mr. Ferris or Ms. Crocker.  This meeting is for new members only - returning members who have turned in their paperwork do not need to attend.


3.   There will be a meeting for all stage crew members on Wednesday, Sept. 16, from 11:40 to 12:00 in room 108.


4.   7th and 8th grade girls’ soccer practice starts tomorrow. Please get on the bus for Valley Forge by 2:40. All paperwork must be turned in in order to play.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Announcements for Monday, September 14, 2009

1. Today's 5th & 6th grade chorus schedule: There will be a sectional for all boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus in Room 10 during lunch activity today. All boys who have signed up for 5th or 6th grade chorus and any who would still like to join should come to Miss Moyer's room, Room 10, during lunch activity today.

2. There will be a meeting for all stage crew members on Wednesday, Sept. 16, from 11:40 to 12:00 in room 108.

3. 7th and 8th grade boys' soccer players will meet in room 114 today during activity period.

4. Attention any student wishing to join TV Studio: There will be meeting this Wednesday, September 16th right after school in room 226 for new TV Studio members. If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in joining TV Studio please see Mr. Ferris or Ms. Crocker. This meeting is for new members only - returning member who have turned in their paperwork do not need to attend.