Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Announcements for Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1.     Today there is no lunch due to the half day.


2.     Due to the ½ day today there will be no 5/6 after school sports, no after school music or 5/6 shuttle bus.


3.     Attention all lacrosse, baseball, and softball players that have never had an ImPACT test.  Please go to the library on Monday or Wednesday after school next week to take your baseline test.  The test will take about 45 minutes.  Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.

4.     All Wrestlers please return clean uniforms to the Main Office.


5.     Alec Lantz-Goldstein, David Lynam, and Brittany Yates please see Ms. Wilson in room 221 ASAP.


6.     Attention ALL CAST members of Cinderella:  Rehearsal TOMORROW is from the end of school until 3pm.  Please bring COSTUMES AND A LUNCH.


7.     Happy 80th Birthday to the BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation.  The British Empire was so large that the BBC still broadcasts today in 27 languages to reach all of the remaining members of the British Commonwealth.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Announcements for Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1.       Today’s lunch is chicken and cheese quesadilla, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.       Due to the ½ day today at the elementary schools there will be no 5/6 after school sports, no after school music or 5/6 shuttle bus.


3.       7 and 8 Boys interested in Lacrosse will have a meeting today in the Adaptive Gym during Activity.


4.       Game club will run today (Tuesday) - however, there are NO PM shuttles today (Tuesday) so be sure to secure your own ride home at the end of the club at 3:30.


5.       Attention all lacrosse, baseball, and softball players that have never had an ImPACT test.  Please go to the library on Monday or Wednesday after school next week to take your baseline test.  The test will take about 45 minutes.  Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.


6.       Today's rehearsal for Cinderella is LLAMA CAST AND BOYS.  Please go directly to the auditorium after school to get into costume.  Remember YAK CAST: you have rehearsal THURSDAY UNTIL 3 PM!  BRING A LUNCH!


7.       All Wrestlers please return clean uniforms to the Main Office.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Announcements for Monday, February 27, 2012

1.       Today’s lunch is pulled pork sandwich on a kaiser roll, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.       Due to the ½ days this week on Wednesday & Thursday, there are no after school activities Wednesday or Thursday. There will be no 5/6 shuttle bus.


3.       If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2012-2013 school year, then plan on coming to our practice days.  The practice days are Monday, March 19th and Tuesday, March 20th from 7:30-8:45 in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  The Try-out Days are Monday, March 26th and Tuesday, March 27th beginning at 5:30.  You MUST attend BOTH practice sessions in order to be eligible to try-out.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School Cafeteria.  More detailed information will be given at the first practice session.  Hope to see you there.


4.       All wrestlers please return your clean uniforms to the Main Office by Wednesday


5.       The What A Life committee hopes that you have taken a minute to look at the bulletin board in the cafeteria. Many students have written in with situations that have challenged their personal integrity, and many fellow students have responded with creative and helpful solutions.
A summary of these exchanges is posted on the bulletin board.  You will notice that many students suggested talking about tricky situations with a teacher or another trusted adult, which is appropriate.  In situations where students noticed a peer behaving poorly, many students who wrote in suggested confronting the peer directly and asking them why they had behaved that way.  This can also be an effective strategy, and many students said that if you stood up to the peer who was acting poorly and stayed strong to what you believe, then others would also.  It takes one person to start.
For the next month What A Life will be focusing on Academic Integrity, which just means doing your school work honestly and independently.  
And get excited for next week, there will be a Survey Contest where you can win gift cards from ITunes, Handles, and more.
Integrity quote this week comes from Winston Churchill who was British prime minister twice and the first person to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”


6.       8th grade boys’ basketball team, please turn-in your basketball uniform by Wednesday 29th

Friday, February 24, 2012

Announcements for Friday, February 24, 2012 - Day 5

1.     Today’s lunch is Stuffed Crust Pizza, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     This is a reminder to Science Olympiad Club Members:   Permission Slips for the March 5th Science Olympiad Fieldtrip and the $10.00 for the team tee-shirt are due to Ms. Martin in room 203. 


3.     Attention Yearbook staff: We will have an extended meeting after school today in the Tech Ed Lab.

4.     On this day in 1803, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Marshall, decides the landmark case of William Marbury versus James Madison, Secretary of State of the United States and confirms the legal principle of judicial review--the ability of the Supreme Court to limit Congressional power by declaring legislation unconstitutional--in the new nation.


5.     Congratulations to Mr. Snell’s homeroom for winning song of the week.  The song was We Are Young by Fun.


6.     On this day in 1982, Wayne Gretzky scores his 77th goal, breaking a record held by Phil Esposito of 76 goals in a single season that was previously thought unbeatable by many fans. That year, he also broke Phil Esposito’s record of 152 points as well as Bobby Orr’s record of 102 assists in one season.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Announcements for Thursday, February 23, 2012 - Day 4

1.     Today’s lunch is Macaroni & Cheese, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     This is a reminder to Science Olympiad Club Members:   Permission Slips for the March 5th Science Olympiad Fieldtrip and the $10.00 for the team tee-shirt are due to Ms. Martin in room 203 tomorrow morning.  If you did not attend the club afterschool on Tuesday or come to the activity period meeting yesterday, then you must attend a mandatory Science Olympiad Club meeting in room 203 during your 6th, 7th or 8th grade activity period.  Thank you!


3.     Attention Yearbook staff: We will have an extended meeting after school on Friday, February 24th in the Tech Ed Lab.


4.     Congratulations to all of the students on their who participated in this year’s Pennsylvania Math League Contest:  The contest is administered annually to students who are two or more years above grade level at TEMS.  This year’s participants were:


8th Graders:

Alex W

Arun B

Mark D

Michael Z

Emelyn D



7th Graders:

Jon X

Melissa C

Lauren H

Matthew C

Patrick L

Austina L


6th Graders:

Thomas H

Brady M

Owen N

Mark D

Jahnavi R

Leo C

5.     Homework Club is canceled for Today.


6.     On this day in 1887, an earthquake off the Mediterranean coast of southern France and northern Italy destroys villages and kills more than 2,000 people. At the time, the area was, as usual, playing host to visiting tourists from all over Europe celebrating Mardi Gras, including the Prince of Wales.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Announcements for Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - Day 3

1.     Today’s lunch is Cheesesteak on a Sub Roll, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Attention Dance Club Members: Dance Club will meet today.  Please try to attend if you are performing during half time in the Student Staff basketball game.  Please see Ms. Seymour for your performance permission slip by Wednesday after school.


3.     Today's rehearsal for Cinderella is YAK CAST AND BOYS!


4.     There will be NO AFTERS for 5th and 6th grade this week.  See you next week.


5.     Attention Yearbook staff: We will have an extended meeting after school on Friday, February 24th in the Tech Ed Lab.


6.     Helping Hands will meet today afterschool.  If you can not attend afterschool, please stop by room 208 during your activity period.  Let’s finish your Helping Hands Hats today.


7.     Chess Club Is Canceled for Today.


8.     Attention Science Olympiad: There will be a mandatory meeting during 6th/7th/8th grade Activity in Room 203 if you did not attend yesterday after school.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Announcements for Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - Day 2

1.     Today’s lunch is Chicken Cacciatore over Pasta, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Attention Dance Club Members: Dance Club will meet today.  Please try to attend if you are performing during half time in the Student Staff basketball game.  Please see Ms. Seymour for your performance permission slip by Wednesday after school.


3.     Today's rehearsal for Cinderella is LLAMA CAST AND BOYS IN THE AUDITORIUM.  Remember that YAK CAST AND BOYS HAVE REHEARSAL TOMORROW!!!


4.     There will be NO AFTERS for 5th and 6th grade this week.  See you next week.


5.     Yearbook staff may pick up cameras tomorrow at the close of school in the Tech Ed Lab. Also we will meet for an extended meeting on Friday, February 24th in the Tech Ed Lab starting at the close of school...


6.     For the 5th consecutive year the "Conestoga Middle School" wrestling team, a team consisting of TE and Valley Forge wrestlers, competed in the prestigious South Eastern PA Championships at Quakertown High School, five of our wrestlers medaled.  Our wrestlers and their teammates worked really hard and represented our school district exceptionally well.  Great job to our future Pioneer teammates.


7.     Congratulations to the 8th grade girl’s basketball team who finished the season with an amazing 18 and 1 record. The girls demonstrated hard work, good sportsmanship, and dedication to the team throughout the season. Coach Burg says she is so proud of you and good luck during the student/faculty game cause you’re gonna need it!!


8.     Congratulations to Sr. Carvajal’s homeroom for winning song of the week.  The song was I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction.


9.     As What A Life wraps up the theme of how the pressure you feel from peers can challenge your Personal Integrity, we give you some

Tips On Being True to Yourself 

•  Be who you are, be your genuine self

•  Follow your own value system and common sense

•  Listen to the advice of others you respect, but make up your own mind

•  Recognize, appreciate, and develop your unique talents

•  Stand up for what you believe in and you will gain respect

•  Know that having the confidence to act independently is a gift

•  Understand that you enrich others by being your true self

And a quote to think about today from Dr. Suess….

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind”




Thursday, February 16, 2012

Announcements for Thursday, February 16, 2012

1.     Today’s lunch is Soft Beef Taco with Cheese, Diced Tomato and Taco Sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     The high scorers on the February Pennsylvania Math League Contest are Alex W., Jon X. and Brady M.  Congratulations to them and thanks to all who participated.  Good job!


3.     Just a reminder to all 7th grade students that the first 3 Williamsburg trip forms are due to Ms. Wilson this Thursday February 16th.  All forms can be found on her website and just remember that if your forms are late Ms. Wilson will get to choose your bus seat.  Even students that do not plan to go on the trip must turn in the initial permission form with a t-shirt size.


4.     Today's Cinderella rehearsal is YAK CAST AND BOYS.  Please meet in the AUDITORIUM.


5.     On this day in 1923, in Thebes, Egypt, English archaeologist Howard Carter enters the sealed burial chamber of the ancient Egyptian ruler King Tutankhamen


6.     On February 16, 1984, Bill Johnson becomes the first American man to win an Olympic gold medal in downhill skiing, a sport long dominated by European athletes. Johnson quickly became a national hero, though his fame was short-lived, and he never again competed in the Olympics.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Announcements for Monday, February 15, 2012

1.     Today’s lunch is Grilled Cheese Sandwich, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     On this day in 1961, the entire 18-member U.S. figure skating team is killed in a plane crash in Belgium. The team was on its way to the 1961 World Figure Skating Championships in Prague, Czechoslovakia.


3.     Just a reminder to all 7th grade students that the first 3 Williamsburg trip forms are due to Ms. Wilson this Thursday February 16th.  All forms can be found on her website and just remember that if your forms are late Ms. Wilson will get to choose your bus seat.  Even students that do not plan to go on the trip must turn in the initial permission form with a t-shirt size.


4.     Buy a heart for $1, get a chance to win prizes in the morning or afternoon raffle, and give to some good causes.  Hearts are sold outside the auditorium before homeroom and during each lunch period in the cafeteria. The Wall of Hearts Fundraiser supports the American Heart Association and the Echoes Foundation.   If the 8th grades donate $420 or more, Mr. Ferris will shave his beard!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Announcements for Monday, February 14, 2012

1.     Today’s lunch is Chicken Lasagna Roll-ups with Spaghetti Sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Spring Sports Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be starting soon.


3.     Dance Club Members.  This is a reminder that Dance Club is cancelled for this week.


4.     This is VALENTINE'S DAY - Our school is supporting two good causes this week with a Valentine's Fundraiser. Come out with your dollars before school, and at lunch. Buy some valentines and stickers. If you want to see Mr. Broadhead and Mr. Mattison sing and Mr. Ferris shave his beard - we have some big donations to make to get there. You can do it TE - It's all for fun and good causes.


5.     Just a reminder to all 7th grade students that the first 3 Williamsburg trip forms are due to Ms. Wilson this Thursday February 16th.  All forms can be found on her website and just remember that if your forms are late Ms. Wilson will get to choose your bus seat.  Even students that do not plan to go on the trip must turn in the initial permission form with a t-shirt size.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Announcements for Monday, February 13, 2012

1.     Today’s lunch is Chicken Nuggets with Dipping Sauce and Whole Wheat Rolls, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Spring Sports  Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be staring soon.



3.     Making decisions on your own is hard, but when others get involved and try to influence you it becomes even harder. People give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked or fit in with a certain group. Some go along to avoid being made fun of. Others are curious to try something new, even against their better judgment. It's tough to be the one who says "no", but you can. Understanding your own feelings about what is right and wrong can guide you. Inner strength and self-confidence will help you stand firm and make good decisions.

A parent or teacher has probably advised you to "choose your friends wisely." Peer pressure is why. Most people want to share experiences and gravitate toward those with common interests, but it's as important to find a group who share your values

Do you respect the kids you hang out with? Are they honest and trustworthy? Do they make positive contributions to the group? Does spending time with them help to bring out the best in you? If your group is making good decisions then you probably will too. And the same goes if they are making bad ones.

Sometime you may see a friend who's having trouble resisting peer pressure, all they need is support by someone simply saying, "I'm with you — let's go."

When alone you must rely on your own courage to say no and walk away, to avoid them, or to find other friends to pal around with.

If you find peer pressure difficult to handle, talk to someone you trust. Don't feel guilty if you've made mistakes, everyone does. Talking about it can help you feel better and prepare for another incident. Peer pressure will always be a part of life, but every time you stay true to yourself and your values, it will make doing the same the next time a little bit easier.

4.     Nelson Mandela, leader of the movement to end South African apartheid, is released from prison after 27 years on February 11, 1990.







Friday, February 10, 2012

TEMS Athletics: Week of February 13

8 GBB at East Norriton
8 GBB vs Eisenhower at TEMS
8 BBB at Eisenhower
WR at SEPA Tournament
BBB vs Valley Forge at CHS, 8th grade at 1:30, 7th grade at 2:45
WR at SEPA Tournament

Announcements for Friday, February 10, 2012

1.        Today’s lunch is Southwest Style Pizza, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.        Spring Sports  Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be staring soon.


3.        Congratulations to the 8th grade boys’ basketball team as they defeated East Norriton 54 to 14; the entire team played an outstanding game.  Way to go Bulldogs!


4.        Today in 1763, the Seven Years’ War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by France, Great Britain, and Spain.


5.        Well TE - Monday is the beginning of the    Valentines Fundraiser.     Are you ready to bring your dollars every day to see teachers do interesting things like wear a tutu ? or dress in a golf outfit, or a tuxedo  or whistle, or yodel ? The times to buy the hearts and stickers are :  before school next week by the auditorium and at    each lunch.      There are prizes given away each day for stuffed animals, jewelry and Handel's ice cream coupons. Have fun - and bring your dollars.


6.        On this day in 1957, Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the best-selling “Little House” series of children’s novels based on her childhood on the American frontier, dies at age 90 in Mansfield, Missouri





Thursday, February 9, 2012

Announcements for Thursday, February 09, 2012 - Day 1

1.     Today’s lunch is Chicken Cheese Steak on a Steak Roll, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Spring Sports  Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be starting soon


3.     Today's Cinderella rehearsal is ALL YAK CAST AND BOYS


4.     Congratulation to the 8th grade boys’ basketball team as they defeated Radnor 39 to 34, the entire team played an outstanding game.  We need your support; the 8th grade boys’ basketball team is playing their final home game.  The game will start at 3:30 PM.  Hope to see you there! Let’s go Bulldogs!


5.     Attention all wrestlers, the Conestoga Middle School Tournament Team practices are being held at Valley Forge Middle after school.  There is one-way transportation by bus from TE to Valley Forge; you must get picked up from Valley Forge at 5:00.  If you have any questions please ask Ms. Hickey.



6.     There will be no writing club this week. We will meet next week to view the first edition and to pick assignments for the second edition.


7.     Our Valentine Fundraiser is about to begin on Monday, February 13. Bring your dollars each day next week before school and at lunch to support the American Heart Association and the Ugandan school girls’ fund. You can buy a valentine for every friend you want to give a Valentine to. You can buy a Valentine for your teachers to decorate their doors. You can place them on the Wall of Hearts on the courtyard glass window. Do you want to see Mr. Hardy do 50 Sit-ups? Do you want to see Mr. Turley juggle? Do you want to see Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Matilla dye their hair blue? Bring your dollars next week and make it happen!!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Announcements for Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - Day 6

1.     Today’s lunch is Nachos with Seasoned Beef, Cheese, Salsa and, Sour Cream, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Spring Sports  Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be staring soon


3.     Helping Hands will meet today afterschool in Room 208.  See Ms. Seymour during activity if you can not attend after school.


4.     Get ready students for the Valentine's Fundraiser next week!!!  Start saving your dollars to see if we can get the money collected for the American Heart Association and the ECHOES foundation for Ugandan school girls. Do you want to see Mr. Allison dress up? Mr. Prothero skateboard? Miss Crocker yodel?  Get those dollars for next week!!!!!


5.     Attention all crochet students - we meet after school every Wednesday in room 203. All students are welcome. We will show you how to create objects for the Coral Reef Project.


6.     Animae club will not meet today. 



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TEMS Athletics: Spring Season

Spring Sports begin on March 12! Paperwork is available online and in the main office and is due by Friday, March 9.  The spring schedule will be available online by the end of February.

Announcements for Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - Day 5

1.     Today’s lunch is Orange Chicken over Rice, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Spring Sports  Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be staring soon


3.     Attention all crochet students - we meet after school every Wednesday in room 203. All students are welcome. We will show you how to create objects for the Coral Reef Project


4.     Today's rehearsal for Cinderella is ALL LLAMA CAST AND BOYS


5.     Animae club will not meet this Wednesday, February 8 


6.     At this time students who are members of a club or organization at TEMS should report to the small gym for yearbook pictures.



Monday, February 6, 2012

Announcements for Monday, February 6, 2012

1.     Today’s lunch is French Toast Sticks and Sausage Patty, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Congratulations to Alex Wang who placed 1st this past weekend in the Chester County Math Counts competition. The A team consisting of Arun Balaji, Mark Dong, Alex Wang, and Michael Zhang placed 2nd overall for the team portion of the competition. Arun Balaji placed 9th individually. Mary Mei, Melissa Cui, Patrick Liu, Jonathan Xu, Thomas Huck, and Brady Munroe also did a nice job at the competition. The state competition is next month in Harrisburg. Good luck to the math counts team.


3.     This quote comes from W. Clement Stone who was a 21st century businessman, philanthropist, and author: “Have the courage to say no.  Have the courage to face the truth.  Do the right thing because it is right.  These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”


4.     Today in history, during the American War for Independence, representatives from the United States and France sign the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance in Paris.  The Treaty of Amity and Commerce recognized the United States as an independent nation and encouraged trade between France and the America, while the Treaty of Alliance provided for a military alliance against Great Britain, stipulating that the absolute independence of the United States be recognized as a condition for peace and that France would be permitted to conquer the British West Indies.


5.     On this day in 1952, after a long illness, King George VI of Great Britain and Northern Ireland dies in his sleep at the royal estate at Sandringham. Princess Elizabeth, the oldest of the king's two daughters and next in line to succeed him, was in Kenya at the time of her father's death; she was crowned Queen Elizabeth II on June 2, 1953, at age 27.



Friday, February 3, 2012

TEMS Athletics: Week of February 6

7/8 GBB v Valley Forge at TEMS (Neumar, Frescoln)
WR v Garnet Valley at TEMS (Broadhead, Peck)
7/8 BBB v Radnor at TEMS (Davis, Neumar)
8/7 GBB at Radnor
8 BBB v East Norriton (Davis, Neumar)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Announcements for Thursday, February 2, 2012

1.     Today’s lunch is Popcorn Chicken assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     On this day in 1847, the first woman of a group of pioneers commonly known as the Donner Party dies during the group's journey through a Sierra Nevada mountain pass. The disastrous trip west ended up killing 42 people and turned many of the survivors into cannibals.


3.     Rehearsal for Cinderella today is LEADS ONLY


4.     On February 2, 1876, the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, which comes to be more commonly known as the National League is formed. The American League was established in 1901 and in 1903, the first World Series was held.


5.     On this day in 1887, Groundhog Day, featuring a rodent meteorologist, is celebrated for the first time at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to tradition, if a groundhog comes out of its hole on this day and sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather; no shadow means an early spring.