Wednesday, December 23, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of Jan 4

BBB v Radnor at TEMS, 7th grade at 3:15, then 8th

GBB at Radnor, 8th grade at 3:15, then 7th
WR v Welsh Valley at TEMS, 3:15

BBB at Valley Forge, 8th at 3:15, then 7th

BBB at Haverford MS, 8th at 3:30, then 7th
WR at Radnor, 3:15

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, December 22, 1009

1.     There will be no after school activities on Wednesday, December 23. There will be no late shuttle bus or 4:00 Flite bus. Students must take their regular transportation home.


2.     The lost and found is overflowing. Items not claimed by Winter Break will be donated to a local charity. The Lost and Found bin is located in the hallway to the Large Gym.


3.     Attention all 5/6 cast members.  We will be having play practice today, Tuesday, after school until 4:00 pm.  Meet in the Large Group Room.  See you there!


4.     There are a number of lost and found items in music room 10.  If you are missing a sweatshirt, notebook, or textbook, please check the room 10 lost and found.  Items not picked up by the end of the day on Wednesday will be disposed of or donated to charity.


5.     Does anyone recognize the "Bulldogs " in this weeks "Photo of the Week". The "Photo of the Week" is located over the door of room 122, take a look !!!


6.     Attention all cantabile members attending the field trip to Main Line Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.  Please meet in room 171 today at 9:50 to depart for the trip.


7.     Any Weight Football player who did not receive his Participation Certificate should report to room 108 immediately after announcements.


Monday, December 21, 2009

anoucements for Monday, December 21

  1. There are a number of lost and found items in music room 10.  If you are missing a sweatshirt, notebook, or textbook, please check the room 10 lost and found.  Items not picked up by the end of the day on Wednesday will be disposed of or donated to charity.


  1. There will be no after school activities on Wednesday, December 23. There will be no late shuttle bus or 4:00 Flite bus. Students must take their regular transportation home.


  1. The lost and found is overflowing. Items not claimed by Winter Break will be donated to a local charity. The Lost and Found bin is located in the hallway to the Large Gym.



TEMS Athletics: Week of 12/21

GBB at Stewart MS, 7th at 3:30 then 8th

BBB at Eisenhower MS, 7th at 3:30 then 8th

Friday, December 18, 2009

TEMS Athletics - 12/18 and 12/19

Friday 12/18:
8/7 Boys Basketball game v Stewart MS
8 Girls Basketball game at Colonial MS
7 Girls Basketball practice
NO Wrestling practice

Saturday 12/19:
Wrestling tournament postponed to 2/6
8 Girls Basketball game postponed, date TBA

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, December 17, 2009

  1. Dance Club is cancelled for this week.


  1. There will be no writing club on today. We will return after the winter break to begin work on the second edition of the newspaper.


  1. Tech Club will not meet today or Friday ….


  1. The 8th grade girl’s basketball team won yesterday against Eisenhower 41 to 14.  The team played a well balanced game with 9 different players scoring buckets.  Sonali Dhawan, Katie O’Hara and Elsie Wagner each netted 6 points.  Molly Martin scored 5 points.  Kristen Misialek, Shelby Wetherell, Emily Sparks, and Annina Ruggirello each ended up with 4 points and Rita Concannon finished with 2 points. Overall, this was a great win for the team.



Monday, December 14, 2009

Announcements for Monday Dec.14, 2009

1.     TEMS has decided to recycle Capri-Sun juice pouches for a company called Terracycle.  Terracycle makes products out of these pouches and sends money to the school for collecting them.  We will donate all money we raise to charity. There is a bin in the cafeteria under the TV.  Please participate by putting your empty Capri-Sun juice pouches in the bin!


2.     There will be sectionals for all boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.


3.     Tech Club will not meet  Monday , Wednesday and Friday of this week..


4.     Does anyone recognize the students in this weeks "Photo of the Week".



Friday, December 11, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of Dec. 14

12/14/09, GBB, 8/7, UPPER DUBLIN, H       
12/14/09, WR, 7/8, E.T. RICHARDSON, A     

12/16/09, GBB, 8/7, EISENHOWER, H         

12/18/09, BBB, 8/7, STEWART, H    
12/18/09, GBB, 8, GWYNEDD-MERCY ACAD @ Colonial MS                

12/19/09, GBB, 8, TBA @ Colonial MS
12/19/09, WR, 7/8, CHICHESTER, A        

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, December 10, 2009

1.    Attention all 5th and 6th graders in the play.  We will practice Today after school in the Large Group Room.  If you cannot attend practice, please see Mrs. Bellopede or Mrs. Rickel to sign up for an audition time and to receive your audition scene.


2.    The high scorers on the Math League test were:


Kansihka R

Mike S

April H


Congratulations to these students.


3.    All students going on the CAT Pickering field trip should report to the main office lobby immediately after homeroom.


4.    Dance Club is cancelled for today




Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday December 8, 2009

1. The Math League Test will be held today in Large Group Room 12 during first period. Participants should report promptly following homeroom. Please bring a calculator and a pencil.

2. Attention all 5th and 6th graders participating in the play. There is NO PLAY PRACTICE today after school. We will see you on Thursday!

3. 8th grade music classes will not meet in their regular classes today. 8th graders who have Miss Moyer's music class first period today should report to room 147. 8th graders who have Mr. Ducassoux's music class first period today should report to room 153.

4. Attention all 6th Graders attending the Flyers Game. The game is this Thursday, December 10. There will be a mandatory meeting today during Activity in Mr. Allison's room for all students attending the game.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Announcements for Monday, November 7, 2009

1.    Attention all 6th Graders attending the Flyers Game. The game is this Thursday, December 10. There will be a mandatory meeting tomorrow during Activity  in Mr. Allison's room for all students attending the game.

2.    Have you seen the photo of the week ???  This week the yearbook staff begins its " Photo of The Week ". Each week a photo will be selected and displayed above the door of room 122. Take a peek !!!

3.    There will be a special sectional for all members of 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.  All members of 5th & 6th grade chorus report to the auditorium during lunch activity for important information about tomorrow's concerts.

4.    Thanks to the effort and thoughtfulness of our staff and student body, over 850 recovering soldiers will receive a holiday greeting card.

  1. This is a reminder that students should begin going to the next 12 week rotation class today for Applied Tech, Family Consumer Science and Tech Ed.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, December 3, 2009

  1. Get ready all Model UN members!

Our next meeting is this Thursday, December 3.

Come prepared for research and to select your country!



  1. The Philly Cares Winter coat drive has begun.  Please bring in your new or gently used coats to room 121 throughout the month of December.



  1. Attention all Math League Participants.  Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, December 8, first period.  The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate.  Please sign up outside Mrs. Stehouwer’s room, 201. 



Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, December 1, 2009

  1. The deadline 4 "Cards 4 Recovering Soldiers" is today, 4:30 to be exact. Place the cards in the box in the main office. Thank you ...


  1. Attention 5th & 6th grade chorus members:  All boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus who did not attend yesterday's sectional must report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.  6th Grade chorus will rehearse immediately after school today in Room 10.


  1. Get ready all Model UN members!

Our next meeting is this Thursday, December 3.

Come prepared for research and to select your country!


  1. The following students need to hand in their field hockey uniform by the end of the day or you will receive a bill for the missing items:


Lily Bove

Lexie King

Leah Lezanic

Kristen Misialek

Jordyn Payne

Haley Varma

Hayley Wallace


  1. Reminder to those interested in participating in this year’s 5th and 6th grade play.  Please return your forms for Mrs. Bellopede and Mrs. Rickel as soon as possible! Rehearsals start today!  2:45-3:30 in the Large Group Room!


  1. The Philly Cares Winter coat drive has begun.  Please bring in your new or gently used coats to room 121 throughout the month of December.


  1. All field hockey uniforms are due to Mrs Patek immediately.  Please hand in your uniform to room 121.  You may also pick up your certificate in room 121.  All items left in the team room have been placed in the lost and found or Mrs. Patek's room.  If you left a hockey stick, you may pick it up in room 121.  All other items can be found in the lost and found bin. 


  1. The question yesterday for the last day of November - Geographic Awareness month was:

What region of Canada is the most northern with many islands ?

The answer was Nunavut, answered correctly by 50 students. The winners are Emma Buthusiem and Aashni Sharma . They can claim their prizes in room 218 .