Thursday, March 31, 2011

Announcements for Thursday, March 31, 2011

1.     Lunch Today is popcorn chicken, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


2.     If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2011-2012 school year, you must attend two practice days on Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th from    7:30-8:45.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  You must attend both practice sessions in order to be able to try-out.  Try-outs will be held on Monday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 12th beginning at 5:30.  More information will be given at the first practice.


3.     On March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower is dedicated in Paris in a ceremony presided over by Gustave Eiffel, the tower's designer, and attended by French Prime Minister Pierre Tirard, a handful of other dignitaries, and 200 construction workers


4.     The 8th grade boys' lacrosse team beat Valley Forge Middle School 5-4 yesterday.  Quinn Bridge, Jack Braun, Sam Friedman, Jack Monahan, and Luke Taicher each scored a goal, and Sam Friedman also had three assists.


5.     Today in March 31, Major League Baseball players are sent back to work after the longest strike in baseball history ends on this day in 1995. Because of the strike, the 1994 World Series was cancelled; it

          was the first time baseball did not crown a champion in 89 years


TEMS Athletics: Track practice, week of April 4

Monday 4/4: Practice for those participating in the meet Wednesday, check the bulletin board
Tuesday 4/5: 7th grade practice
Wednesday 4/6: Home track meet vs. Norristown at CHS
Thursday 4/7: 8th grade practice, Penn Relay Trials at Hatboro-Horsham HS
Friday 4/8: 7th grade practice

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Announcements for Wednesday, March 30, 2011

  1. If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2011-2012 school year, you must attend two practice days on Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th from    7:30-8:45.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  You must attend both practice sessions in order to be able to try-out.  Try-outs will be held on Monday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 12th beginning at 5:30.  More information will be given at the first practice.


  1. The following students need to see Mrs. Cook today for a permission slip for a field trip: Cameron C, Daniel X, Antonio A, Cindy Z


  1. Tech Club will end at 3:30 today.


  1. There will be a MAC club pretzel sale today at dismissal. All proceeds will be going to the Japan relief effort.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Announcements for March 29, 2011

  1. If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2011-2012 school year, you must attend two practice days on Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th from 7:30-8:45.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  You must attend both practice sessions in order to be able to try-out.  Try-outs will be held on Monday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 12th beginning at 5:30.  More information will be given at the first practice.


  1. Don’t forget to bring in any extra coins to raise money for cancer.  We will be collecting coins for the next three weeks.  All you have to do is collect coins and put them in your homeroom’s collection box.  The top fundraising homeroom will win a pizza party!!! Every cent counts, so start collecting today!!


  1. Attention all 7th grade boys' lacrosse players:  Please meet in the adaptive gym during activity period today to receive your uniform.  See Mr. Gately in Room 203 with any questions.


  1. Attention all track participants, Due to the extreme changes in the weather; we are requesting that all track participants wear sweats for practice.  You will not be able to attend practice without being appropriately dress for the weather. Any questions please see your track coaches.


  1. Yearbook will meet today during lunch activity, please be prompt we must do another retake on our photo.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Announcements for Monday, March 28, 2011

  1. Today TE Middle School joins more than 20,000 schools nationwide in The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s School and Youth programs.  For the next three weeks we will be helping people who are sick with blood cancers like Leukemia.  All you have to do is collect coins and put them in your homeroom’s collection box.  The top fundraising homeroom will win a pizza party!!! Every cent counts, so start collecting today!!


  1. If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2011-2012 school year, you must attend two practice days on Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th from 7:30-8:45.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  You must attend both practice sessions in order to be able to try-out.  Try-outs will be held on Monday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 12th beginning at 5:30.  More information will be given at the first practice.


  1. Attention all 8th grade boys' lacrosse players:  Please meet in the adaptive gym during activity period today to receive your uniform.  See Mr. Gately in Room 203 with any questions.


  1. All 7th and 8th grade students who participated in 7th and 8th grade Chester County Math Counts should stop by Ms. Quirk’s room today during activity.


  1. The Mac club will be meeting after school today in Ms.  Turner's room.  Also - the Mac Club will be selling pretzels and Juice boxes at all entrances after school on Wednesday, March 30th, for 1.00.  all proceeds will go towards the relief effort in Japan

Friday, March 25, 2011

TEMS Athletics: Track, Week of March 28

Monday March 28th : 7th Grade Practice

Tuesday March 29th: 8th Grade Practice
(Team Photo in Large Gym @ 3:00 7th and 8th graders will attend.  7th graders are to be picked up at 3:30.  Bring Uniform)

Wednesday March 30th: No Practice

Thursday March 31st: 8th Grade Practice

Friday April 1st: 7th Grade Practice

TEMS Athletics: Week of March 28

3/29: Team Pictures, on site

SB v Eisenhower at First Ave.
8/7 BLAX v Valley Forge at VFMS
8/7 GLAX v Eisenhower at VFMS

8 BB at Eisenhower
7 BB v Eisenhower at TEMS

7/8 BLAX at Drexel Hill

Thursday, March 24, 2011

TEMS Athletics: March 24

Softball - meeting in room 105 until 3:15
7th baseball - practice at TE until 4
8th girls lacrosse - practice at TE until 4
All other practices cancelled

Announcements for Thursday, March 24, 2011

1.     Lunch Today is baked bbq boneless chicken thighs, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


2.     Yearbook staff will have an emergency meeting during homeroom this morning. Please report immediately following this message to room 122.


3.     Today in 1989, the worst oil spill in U.S. territory begins when the supertanker Exxon Valdez, owned and operated by the Exxon Corporation, runs aground on a reef in Prince William Sound in southern Alaska. An estimated 11 million gallons of oil eventually spilled into the water. Attempts to contain the massive spill were unsuccessful, and wind and currents spread the oil more than 100 miles from its source, eventually polluting more than 700 miles of coastline. Hundreds of thousands of birds and animals were adversely affected by the environmental disaster.


4.     6th grade mathcounts students should stop by Mrs. Patek's room today to pick up their mathcounts tests and their final ranking. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

TEMS Athletics: March 23

All practices for today have been cancelled.

Announcements for Wednesday, March 23, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is chicken soft taco, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. A reminder to all 7th grade students going on the Williamsburg trip that the second installment of $105, if it has not already been submitted, is due to Ms. Wilson by Thursday March 24th.


  1. Today in 1775, during a speech before the second Virginia Convention, Patrick Henry responds to the increasingly oppressive British rule over the American colonies by declaring, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Following the signing of the American Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, Patrick Henry was appointed governor of Virginia by the Continental Congress.


  1. The yearbook staff must report to 122 immediately following this announcement for an emergency meeting and a reshoot ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Announcements for Tuesday, March 22, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is penne pasta with meatballs, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. A reminder to all 7th grade students going on the Williamsburg trip that the second installment of $105, if it has not already been submitted, is due to Ms. Wilson by Thursday March 24th.


  1. Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is Tuesday March 22 after school. We will prepare for the Prep conference at Temple University.


  1. The yearbook staff is reminded of our meeting and photo shoot during lunch activity today. Please be prompt.


  1. Today in 1765, in an effort to raise funds to pay off debts and defend the vast new American territories won from the French in the Seven Years' War, the British government passes the Stamp Act. The legislation levied a direct tax on all materials printed for commercial and legal use in the colonies, from newspapers and pamphlets to playing cards and dice.


  1. All Stage Crew members please report to the auditorium now.


  1. On this day in 1894, the first championship series for Lord Stanley’s Cup is played in Montreal, Canada. The Stanley Cup has since become one of the most cherished and recognized trophies in sport.



Announcements for Monday, March 21, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is pancakes and sausages, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. A reminder to all 7th grade students going on the Williamsburg trip that the second installment of $105, if it has not already been submitted, is due to Ms. Wilson by Thursday March 24th.


  1. Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is Tuesday 22 March after school. We will prepare for the Prep conference at Temple University.


  1. Attention Yearbook Staff:  we have a meeting tomorrow during lunch activity. This is a mandatory meeting, photos will be taken and our deadline will be addressed...


  1. Today in 1963, Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco Bay closes down and transfers its last prisoners. At it's peak period of use in 1950s, "The Rock, or ""America's Devil Island" housed over 200 inmates at the maximum-security facility. Alcatraz remains an icon of American prisons for its harsh conditions and record for being inescapable.


  1. Congratulations to Cynthia H, April H, Courtney K, and Alex W who placed 6th as a team at the state math counts competition this past weekend. Alex W. also placed 13th as an individual.




Monday, March 21, 2011

TEMS Athletics: Monday 3/21

7th and 8th grade Girls Lacrosse - practice at TEMS until 4pm
8th grade track - practice
All other teams - no practice

TEMS Athletics: Track practice this week

Week of March 21-25: 8th grade will practice Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday. 7th grade will practice Tuesday and Thursday.

Week of March 28-April 1: 7th grade will practice Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday. 8th grade will practice Tuesday and Thursday.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Announcements for Friday, March 18, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is Chili cheese wrap, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. A reminder to all 7th grade students going on the Williamsburg trip that the second installment of $105, if it has not already been submitted, is due to Ms. Wilson by Thursday March 24th.


  1. After four months of widespread protest in America, the British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, a taxation measure enacted to raise revenues for a standing British army in America.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Announcements for Thursday, March 17, 2011

  1. Homework/Tutoring Club has been cancelled for today, March 17. There will be no 4:00 shuttle bus today.


  1. Attention All TV Studio Members:  We will be having our yearbook photo take today at 2:45 in room 226.  Please be prompt.


  1. 6th Grade Handbells will rehearse after school today.


  1. 7/8 Handbells will rehearse before school tomorrow at 7:15.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Announcements for Wednesday, March 16, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is Chili with beans and cornbread, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. Homework/Tutoring Club has been cancelled for Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 and March 17. There will be no 4:00 bus on those days.


  1. The MAC club will meet today after school in room 153, Mrs. Turner's room.


  1. Attention 7th and 8th grade chorus: we rehearse tomorrow morning at 7:15am


  1. Today in 1802, the United States Military Academy--the first military school in the United States--is founded by Congress for the purpose of educating and training young men in the theory and practice of military science. Located at West Point, New York, the U.S. Military Academy is often simply known as West Point.


  1. Attention all TV Studio Members:  We will be having our yearbook photo taken on Thursday at 2:40 in room 226.  You should be able to take your bus home or the shuttle bus.  Be prompt as the photo will be taken at exactly 2:45.


  1. On this day in 1751, James Madison, drafter of the Constitution, recorder of the Constitutional Convention, author of the Federalist Papers and fourth president of the United States, is born on a plantation in Virginia.



TEMS Athletics: Track and Field practice schedule

Wednesday March 16th: 8th Grade

Thursday March 17th: 7th Grade

Friday March 18th: 8th Grade


Monday March 21st: 8th Grade

Tuesday March 22nd: 7th Grade

Wednesday March 23rd: 8th Grade

Thursday March 24th: 7th Grade

Friday March 25th: 8th Grade

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Announcements for Tuesday, March 15, 2011

  1. Congratulations to the 6th grade mathcounts team.  On Saturday, March 12th, sixteen TE students participated in the Chester County 6th grade Mathcounts competition.  There were approximately 120 students who participated in the competition.  Individually, TEMS had two students place in the top ten!  Melissa C placed eighth (highest score for a female) and Jon X had a second place finish.  In the team competition, our team A consisting of Jon X, Melissa C, Nina B, and Lauren H finished in second place.  Great job team! 


  1. Homework/Tutoring Club has been cancelled for Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 and March 17. There will be no 4:00 bus on those days.


  1. Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys lacrosse players:  due to field conditions, practice will begin on Wednesday, March 16.  We will not be practicing on Monday or Tuesday.  Please see Mr. Gately in room 203 with any questions.


  1. Attention Tuesday 5th and 6th grade chorus: we rehearse today after school


  1. The yearbook staff is reminded of our meeting during lunch /activity today. Please be prompt!!


  1. Attention Cantabile: we rehearse tomorrow morning at 7:15am


  1. Attention all TV Studio Members:  We will be having our yearbook photo taken on Thursday at 2:45 in room 226.  You should be able to take your bus home or the shuttle bus.  Be prompt as the photo will be taken at exactly 2:45.


  1. 7th grade baseball tryouts will take place at TEMS today. Change and go out to the field at the end of the day. Please listen to announcements throughout the day as field conditions may dictate tryouts being postponed again.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Announcements for Monday, March 14, 2011

1.     8th grade girls lacrosse will practice today, Monday, March 14th after school at TE. Be prepared for both indoor and outdoor practice.


2.     Homework/Tutoring Club has been cancelled for Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 and March 17. There will be no 4:00 bus on those days.


3.     Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys lacrosse players:  due to field conditions, practice will begin on Wednesday, March 16.  We will not be practicing on Monday or Tuesday.  Please see Mr. Gately in room 203 with any questions.


4.     7th grade baseball tryouts are cancelled for today, Monday. Players trying out should bring their gear for outdoor tryouts tomorrow. Make sure all of the necessary forms are in and do not forget that the shuttle bus leaves at 2:40 promptly.


5.     Attention Monday 5th grade chorus: we rehearse today after school


6.     Attention Tuesday 5th and 6th grade chorus: we will rehearse tomorrow after school



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Announcements for Thursday, March 10, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is Sausage, egg and cheese burrito assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. Seussical, Jr. is coming soon.  The practices are coming to an end and the performers are almost ready for their big debut on March 10-12!  Come see the result of all their hard work – tickets for Seussical, Jr. will be on sale this week during lunch and also at the door.  Come out and support your fellow schoolmates!


  1. All 7th and 8th grade students are invited to preview selections from Seussical Junior during activity on Thursday in the auditorium.  Please stop down and support your classmates!


  1. Any 8th grade girls interested in signing up for the softball team, please see Mr. Prothero in room 113 at the end of the day or before morning announcements on Thursday or Friday."


  1. Please congratulate Arun B as the high scorer on this month's Math League TestThree students followed in a close second:


Alex W

Michael Z

Daniel X

The top scorer for the year in the series of six tests is April H.  Congratulations to all our students who took the time to participate.


  1. The Model United Nations club is sponsoring an International Dress Up Day on Friday 11 March. To participate, bring or wear an item of clothing from a foreign country to your lunch time. All students and teachers who participate will receive a prize.


  1. On this day 1876, the first discernible speech is transmitted over a telephone system when inventor Alexander Graham Bell summons his assistant in another room by saying, "Mr. Watson, come here; I want you." Bell had received a comprehensive telephone patent just three days before.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Announcements for Tuesday, March 08, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is Soft Turkey Taco with Cheese, Diced Tomatoes,  Lettuce and Taco Sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, low fat white or chocolate milk.


  1. All 7th and 8th grade boys interested in playing lacrosse – please gather in the Adaptive Gym during lunch activity today.  Requirements and expectations for the upcoming season will be outlined.


  1. The Conestoga Middle School Ice Hockey teams are now in the playoffs.  The first round playoff game was a nail biter.  Conestoga A team played Radnor and ended in a 2 to 2 tie in regulation time and in overtime.  Then came the shootout.  The teams were given 5 chances to score one on one against the goalie. Goaltender Julia Romberger stopped 4 out of 5 of Radnor's shots.  Conestoga made 2 shots in the shootout for the win.

    Conestoga Maroon B Middle School team also won their first playoff game 4 to 2. Conestoga Grey B team got a bye in the first round.  All teams play Wednesday night in the second round of the playoffs.


  1. Attention all spring athletes - ImPACT testing will take place today after school in the alien lab.  No appointment necessary.  The ImPACT test is mandatory for all lacrosse players and optional for softball, baseball, and track athletes.  If you already had an ImPACT test this year, you do not need another one. 


  1. Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is today 8 March, after school.: All students are encouraged to wear a piece of clothing that is from or advertises a foreign country on Friday 11 March. Prizes will be given out at lunch for all participants, by members of the UNITED NATIONS CLUB.



  1. Seussical, Jr. is coming soon.  The practices are coming to an end and the performers are almost ready for their big debut on March 10-12!  Come see the result of all their hard work – tickets for Seussical, Jr. will be on sale next week during lunch and also at the door.  Come out and support your fellow schoolmates!


  1. All 7th and 8th grade students are invited to preview selections from Seussical Junior during activity on Thursday in the auditorium.  Please stop down and support your classmates!


  1. Yearbook staff please be reminded of our meeting during lunch activity today!!!


  1. The Math League Test will be held today in Large Group Room 12 during eighth period. Participants should report promptly following 7th period.  Please bring a calculator and a pencil.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Announcements for Friday, March 04, 2011

1.      All 7th and 8th grade students interested in trying out for baseball – please gather in the Large Group Room during lunch activity today.


7th graders will meet at 11:20am with Mr. Mattison.

8th graders will meet at 11:40am with Mr. Sola.

Requirements and expectations for tryouts and the upcoming season will be outlined.


2.      There is NO 5/6 Music shuttle for the remainder of the week. There will be NO 5/6 After School sports for the remainder of the week.


3.      Seussical, Jr. is coming soon.  The practices are coming to an end and the performers are almost ready for their big debut on March 10-12!  Come see the result of all their hard work – tickets for Seussical, Jr. will be on sale next week during lunch and also at the door.  Come out and support your fellow schoolmates!


4.      All 7th and 8th grade boys interested in playing lacrosse – please gather in the Adaptive Gym during lunch activity on Tuesday, March 8.  Requirements and expectations for the upcoming season will be outlined.


5.      8th girls planning to play lacrosse will meet today at activity in the adaptive gym.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Announcements for Wednesday, March 02, 2011

1.      All 7th and 8th grade students interested in trying out for baseball – please gather in the Large Group Room during lunch activity on

Friday, March 4th.


7th graders will meet at 11:20am with Mr. Mattison.

8th graders will meet at 11:40am with Mr. Sola.

Requirements and expectations for tryouts and the upcoming season will be outlined.


2.      There is NO 5/6 Music shuttle for the remainder of the week. There will be NO 5/6 After School sports for the remainder of the week.


3.      Attention 7th & 8th grade chorus: we will rehearse tomorrow morning at 7:15am.


4.      Attention all chorus members: piano audition results are on the bulletin board outside of room 171.


5.      Seussical, Jr. is coming soon.  The practices are coming to an end and the performers are almost ready for their big debut on March 10-12!  Come see the result of all their hard work – tickets for Seussical, Jr. will be on sale next week during lunch and also at the door.  Come out and support your fellow schoolmates!


6.      Due to parent-teacher conferences and our half-day schedule, there will be no HW or Tutoring Club Wednesday, March 2 or Thursday, March 3.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Announcements for Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1.      All 7th and 8th grade students interested in trying out for baseball – please gather in the Large Group Room during lunch activity on

Friday, March 4th.


7th graders will meet at 11:20am with Mr. Mattison.

8th graders will meet at 11:40am with Mr. Sola.

Requirements and expectations for tryouts and the upcoming season will be outlined.


2.      There is NO 5/6 Music shuttle for the remainder of the week. There will be NO 5/6 After School sports for the remainder of the week.


3.      Attention Tuesday 5th & 6th grade chorus: we will NOT rehearse today since there is no after school shuttle bus


4.      Attention all spring athletes - ImPACT testing is required for all students playing lacrosse and is optional for those playing baseball, softball, or track.  If you have never had an ImPACT test, please go to the alien lab after school Today or next Tuesday, March 8, to be eligible to participate this spring.  See Miss Hickey if you have any questions.


5.      Attention Cantabile: we will NOT rehearse tomorrow morning


6.      Attention Songfest members: we will rehearse today during activity period


7.      There will be a meeting for all 8th grade girls interested in playing lacrosse this year on today during activity in large group 12.


8.      Due to parent-teacher conferences and our half-day schedule, there will be no HW or Tutoring Club Wednesday, March 2 or Thursday, March 3.