1. There will be no Maintenance Monday Club today. We will meet next Monday January 11th.
2. Attention 5th & 6th graders: chorus rehearsals and sectionals resume today. All boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus - and those who would like to join for the spring concert season - should report to Room 10 during activity today for a sectional.
3. Mathcounts practice for 6th grade for tomorrow morning is canceled. There will be not be mathcounts practice for 6th grade on Tuesday, January 5th.
4. Attention all Science Olympiad Members. There will be NO meeting today after school. We will meet on Wednesday.
5. A reminder to all 5/6 cast members – we will have play practice Tuesday and Thursday this week from 2:45-4:00 in the auditorium. If you are unable to attend practices, please let Mrs. Bellopede or Mrs. Rickel know.