Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Announcements for Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1.      Lend A hand is sponsoring a towel drive starting this week.  Please help by donating. Gently used or new towels.  Towels can be dropped off in the Main Lobby or Mrs. Patek’s Room.


2.      Attention all 8th grade boys interested in playing lacrosse this spring for TE - Please attend a pre-season meeting with Coach Boothe in the large group room on Wednesday during activity.


3.      “Our lunch menu has changed for Thursday, February 18. We will now have a Baked Potato Bar with broccoli, cheese and seasoned meat along with a tossed garden salad.”


4.      Congratulations to the following students for their achievement in grade-level Spelling Bees:


In fifth grade:

Hari E. and Abby C.


In sixth grade:

Madeline G. and Katie L.


In seventh grade:

Nick M. and Lily S.


In eighth grade:

Lee B. and Sam S.


Those students will report to room 235 during first period on Wednesday, February 17th to compete in the school-wide Spelling Bee.  Passes will be given in homerooms that morning. 


5.      The 5th and 6th grade social this year is a movie at the Wayne Theatre:  Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief
On Thursday March 4th from 11:30am – 2:00pm.  Flyers for your parents are on the PTO website. (www.temspto.org)
Or buy your tickets starting next week in the cafeteria during the 5th and 6th grade lunch.  $12 to the TEMS PTO for the movie, pizza and popcorn!”


6.      5/6 Play practice is for Cast 2 only today.  Stage Crew does need to report to this practice.  If you cannot attend today’s practice please tell Mrs. Bellopede or Mrs. Rickel.


7.      Attention all Model UN club members - Our next meeting is this Thursday February, 18.