Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Announcements for Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1. There will be sectionals for all boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.  6th Grade Chorus will rehearse immediately after school today in Room 10.


2. The results of the Grade Level Math League contest are in:

6th grade:

The 6th grade finished 2nd in the state out of 148 participating schools.  High scoring students were Alex W. - 3rd place, and Arun B and Evan S - tied for 10th place in PA.  The sixth grade earned a plaque to display in the main office for their team total in the state.

7th grade:

The 7th grade finished 13th in the state out of 122 participating schools.

8th grade:

The eighth grade finished 3rd in the state and first in our region out of 122 PA schools participating.  High scoring students were Lee B. Patrick N. and Kanishka R. - all tied for 8th place in the state.  The eighth grade earned a plaque for their ranking in our region which includes Berks, Chester, Lancaster and Lebanon counties.

Thanks to the approximately 150 students who participated!


3. The 6th grade Knowledge Bowl pre test will be on Wed, Thursday and Friday in Room 104. Please sign up outside 104 if you are interested.


4. Attention all interested 8th grade students - your peer mediation application is due to the main office this Friday.  If you have any questions, please see Miss Hickey.


5.    Congratulations to the 8th grade girls who defeated Eisenhower on Friday with a score of 16-0. Monica H. and Kristen M. pitched a great game. Keep up the good work ladies.


6. There will be NO Tutoring Club today due to PSSAs!