Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Announcements for Monday, June 1, 2010


Attention 5th and 6th Grade Students:  The 5th and 6th grade after school music shuttle will end on June 10.



On Thursday, 6th grade hosted the annual 24 game tournament. 

The top 16 finalists from TE middle (that’s the top 16 out of 260 students in the class!) faced off against the top 16 finalists from VF middle.

After 3 rounds of competition, Mark D was the 1st place finisher with 103 points!  Congratulations also go out to Alex W & Jona S who finished in the top 10.  Maddie W just missed the top 10 by a single point!

Congratulations to all our finalists on an outstanding job!!!!



Reminder that there is no AFTER School sports this week.



7th Grade Softball players are reminded that their jerseys must be turned in before tomorrow. Please make sure you have turned in your jersey to Mr. Allison.



Attention 8th graders…there's only 12 days left to reserve your copy of the Memories 2010 DVD.  The end of the year is fast approaching and copies are running out.  See Mr. Veroneau in room 212.