1. Today is health screening day for vision, hearing, height and weights. Every student will receive a pass in homeroom. Please report to the library at the time written on your pass. And remember, if you have glasses; bring them with you to the library!
2. The Unlimited football team will begin practice today. Players will catch the shuttle bus to
3. All sports forms are due by lunch today.
4. Attention 7th and 8th grade field hockey player: We will meet today at 3:00 in room 110 before going outside.
5. Attention any student wishing to join TV Studio: There will be a meeting right after school in room 226. The paperwork needed to join TV Studio will be given out so it is important that you attend. If you cannot attend please see Ms. Crocker or Mr. Ferris.
6. Attention all 5th grade chorus members. Chorus begins today and tomorrow. Please check the chorus bulletin board outside room 171 to see which day you are assigned to come to chorus. Please see Mrs. Gyza if you have any questions.