1. Lunch today is baked ziti w/sausage and onions, assorted fruits and vegetables, low fat white and chocolate milk
2. The first after school meeting of the Model United Nations club will meet Tuesday October 12 from 2:45 - 3:45. Students will report to room 130 to begin our meeting. Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grader is welcome to join.
3. 8th grade ERB MAKEUPS will take place 1st and 2nd periods today. If you were absent during ERB's and need to make up missed test sections, please meet Mr. Sola in Lg. Group Rm. 12 after homeroom. ….
4. Today in 1492, after sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island, believing he has reached
5. Congratulations to the 8th grade field hockey team on their win against Stewart yesterday. Good luck to both 7th and 8th grade on their game today against Haverford.