2.) Attention all Math League Participants. Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, December 14, eighth period. The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate. Please sign up with Mrs. Stehouwer.
3.) Peer Mediation, Student Council, and Cantabile will be bringing holiday cheer to a local rehab facility on Tuesday December 21st. They will be bringing fleece blankets, cards, and socks to each resident as well as visiting with them and singing a concert. There will be a collection next week for new pairs of tube socks in each homeroom to bring to these residents. We need approximately 5 pairs of socks from each homeroom to be donated, but the more the merrier. So next week please begin to bring in these socks to your homeroom and Peer Mediation will be around to collect them. Thanks for your help.
4.) Attention all students auditioning for Seussical Jr. today - please report to room 170 promptly at your scheduled time. You will receive a pass to return to class after your audition. Good luck!