- Lunch Today’s is 5 inch individual pizza, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk.
- Attention Math League members: Math League is to meet in the cafeteria at the very beginning of 8th period for a yearbook photo.
- Don’t forget to bring in any extra coins to raise money for cancer. We will be collecting coins for one more week. All you have to do is collect coins and put them in your homeroom’s collection box. The top fundraising homeroom will win a pizza party!!! Every cent counts, so start collecting today!!
Did you know that the money you are collecting will support research? In medicine, research means the careful study of a disease with the goal of finding a cure. Your coins will help 353 researchers in 33 different countries.
- Yearbook staff is to see Mr. Frescoln some time today for permission slips for our seminar trip..….