Thursday, June 16, 2011

Announcements for Thursday, June 16, 2011

  1. Attention 8th graders…The Memories DVD's are being distributed in homerooms this morning.  If you did not order a video, they can still be purchased in the main office. 


  1. Track Team:  If you were to receive a medal or ribbon at the League Meet, please stop by Ms. Hill’s room 175 before the end of today. 


  1. Yearbooks may still be purchased while supply last in room 122, price $29.00 cash or check, checks made payable to T/E Middle School.


  1. On this day in 1884, the first roller coaster in America opens at Coney Island, in Brooklyn, New York. Known as a switchback railway, it was the brainchild of LaMarcus Thompson, traveled approximately six miles per hour and cost a nickel to ride. The new entertainment was an instant success and by the turn of the century there were hundreds of roller coasters around the country.