Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Announcements for Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1.        Today’s lunch is bbq chicken breast sandwich on a kaiser roll with assorted fruits and vegetables and low fat white or chocolate milk.


2.        Attention Helping Hands Members visiting Rosemont Village this afternoon:  Please meet in room 208 directly after school.


3.        Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is Mon. 19 Dec. after school. We should have our assigned countries to share at the meeting. If you have any questions, come to room 203.


4.        Wednesday is the new day for Crocheting a Coral Reef Club. Anyone is welcome to join and learn to crochet objects. Meet after school until 4 pm in room 203. Get your own ride home.


5.        Attention all 5th and 6th graders audition for Cinderella and the Substitute Fairy Godmother TODAY:  Please report to the large group room at the end of school with script and all forms you need.  Bring work to do while you are waiting. Thank you all!


6.        The high scorers on the Pennsylvania Math League Contest are seventh grader Jon X., and eighth graders Arun B., Mark D. and Jona S.  Congratulations to them and thanks to all who participated.  Good job!


7.        The Helping Hands Club is collecting new toys, games, and craft supplies to donate to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia from now through January 6th. We are asking students to donate new, unwrapped items to give to kids at the hospital recovering from illnesses. Please drop off donations in the Main Office with Mrs. Galella. Please provide your name and homeroom number. The homeroom that donates the greatest number of items will win a donut breakfast in January. Thanks for helping!