Thursday, January 12, 2012

Announcements for Thursday, January 12, 2012 - Day 6

1.     Today’s lunch is Macaroni & Cheese, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Attention all Helping Hands members: Please pick up permission slips to our next two community service activities from Ms. Seymour in Room 208 or Mrs. Abell-Galella in the main office.


3.     Helping Hands Community Service Club will be having a bake sale after school on Friday in the front lobby.  We will be selling pretzels, brownies and cookies.  All items will cost $1. Proceeds will benefit the St. John’s Soup Kitchen in Norristown. Come by and help support this good cause.


4.     Congratulations to the 8th grade girls’ basketball team on their win against Eisenhower. Everyone did a great job scoring. Amazing game girls!


5.     Rehearsal for Cinderella and the Substitute Fairy Godmother today is ALL leads AND ensemble members.  We'll see you in the large group room.