Friday, September 25, 2009

Annoucements for Friday September 25, 2009

1.     The writing club is need of investigative reporters for the Bulldog Press. If you are interesting in writing for the school newspaper, the writing club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, October 1 from 2:40 - 3:10. You need to have a permission form signed in order to attend. Permission forms can be found in the office 



2.     Do you need help doing your homework, studying for tests, or         staying organized?  Join the TEMS Tutoring Club!  Tutors from Conestoga High School come to the TE library every Monday through Thursday to offer help in an environment that's fun but focused. The first day of Tutoring Club this year will be Tuesday, September 29. Tutors will stay until 3:30, but TE students can work until 4:00. If you are interested in signing up, please see your guidance counselor for a permission form  or ask Mrs. O'Connor in room 110 if you have questions.  Hope to see  you there!



3.     Dance club starts next week. See Ms. Seymour in room 225 for a permission slip, times, and dates.