1. There will be a mandatory meeting for all 6th graders attending this week's Phillies game during Activity today in Mr. Allison's room.
2. International Puppetry Club meets Thursday after school in room 120A (next to the TV studio). Late bus is provided. The club’s members will learn about puppetry in different parts of the world, write scripts, perform, and make puppets.
3. Those students attending the Wharton Esherick field trip with Mr. Frescoln on Thursday or Friday of this week are reminded to submit their paper work ASAP!!!
4. The writing club is need of investigative reporters for the Bulldog Press. If you are interesting in writing for the school newspaper, the writing club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, October 1 from 2:40 - 3:10. You need to have a permission form signed in order to attend. Permission forms can be found in the office.
5. Do you need help doing your homework, studying for tests, or staying organized? Join the TEMS Tutoring Club! Tutors from
6. Dance club starts next week. See Ms. Seymour in room 225 for a permission slip, times, and dates.
7. There will be sectionals for all boys in both 5th & 6th chorus during lunch activity today. All boys in 5th & 6th chorus and any boys who would still like to join should report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.
8. 6th Grade Chorus will rehearse immediately after school today in Room 10.