Congratulations are in order to those track team members who attended the Lower Merion Relays with outstanding results. Everyone ran with poise, dignity, and all deliberate speed.......but we especially want to recognize
Kaitlin B. for her Gold Medal and LM Relay All Time Record of 5:30 in the mile
Gunnar S., David Z, Kanishka R and Tise E. for Silver Medals in the 4 by 2 800 meter relay.
Michael S. for his silver medal in the 200 meter dash
Gunnar S. for a silver medal in high jump
Justin Eger for a silver in the 100 meter dash
And David Z. for his personal record and silver medal in the 400 meter open.
Finally, bronze medalists included: Claudia W. for high jump and the relay team of Tess B, Gabby L., Angela S., and Casha' B.
AWESOME JOB TEAM. Good luck today at Valley Forge!
Attention 8th graders....There's only 19 days left to order your copy of the Memories DVD. This program includes memories of school trips, concerts, sports, plays, the DARE graduation, Battle of the Bulldogs, the pie assembly, 5th grade field day, "Dear Edwina Junior," the Student versus Faculty basketball game, the Williamsburg trip, interviews, and more. You can order your DVD from Mr. Veroneau in room 212 for only $10. Here are a few clips from the program