Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Announcements for Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1.  Lend A Hand will sponsoring three activities in May.  On May 19th, we will be making casseroles after school.  On May 20th and 27th, lend a hand will be making Memorial Day crafts to be given out to hospice patients.  All students may participate.  If you are interested in joining an activity, pick up a permission slip outside room 121. 



2.  Haiti t-shirts are finally in.  They will be sold during lunch in the cafeteria for $15 all this week.  All proceeds will go to Haiti relief efforts.



3.  Attention all 8th graders planning to audition for Variety Show, forms are due to Mr. Schweitzer no later than Friday, May 14th.  Auditions will be held on Wednesday, May 19th immediately after school in the auditorium.  Any questions please see Mr. Schweitzer, Mrs. Tyrell or Mrs. Rickel.



4.  Yearbook staff is reminded to see Mr. Frescoln some time today….



5.  Attention 8th graders….Memories 2010 is now on sale.  Own the DVD that captures your favorite memories of TE Middle School.  The price is $10.00.  See Mr. Veroneau in room 212 to reserve your copy.