- The PTO is organizing a student book swap to be held in the next couple of weeks. It's a fun way to encourage reading. Students share their gently used, middle school appropriate books with other students in exchange for new reading material that is free. There will be collection boxes located around the school entrances and in the school store next week to drop off any middle school appropriate books you would like to trade in. Then on January 18th, 19th, and 20th students will be able to go to the large group room during activity and pick out new books. Students will be able to select as many new books as they dropped off the week before.
- Your logo could be featured on this year’s Seussical Jr. t-shirt! Design a logo that best represents Seussical Jr. The Musical and the characters of Dr. Seuss. See your art teacher or the flyer on the musical bulletin board for more information. Logos are due to the main office by Friday, January 14.
- Attention all Math League Participants. Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, January 11, eighth period. The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate. Please sign up with Mrs. Stehouwer.
- Congratulations to the top scoring students on the Geography Bee. These students answered all 7 out of 7 questions correctly and will be part of the final round of questions.
They are:
Matthew C.
Jonathon X.
Liam M.
Cliff M.
Elizabeth J.
Thomas U.
Bharathi K.
Nathan S.
Lauren H.
The last finalist will be determined during 2nd. Period January 11. A list of the 55 eligible students will be found outside Room 206. If your name is on that list you may participate on January 11.