1. Attention 8th Grade: Mr. Sola will meet with 8th graders during their 7th and 8th period Advisory sections on Wednesday February 2nd to discuss the upcoming Conestoga Course Selection Process. On Wednesday, students should report to their Advisory classroom - and the Advisory teacher will take their class to Large Group Room 12 for the presentation. All students should bring their Program of Studies booklet with them.
2. The yearbook staff is to see Mr. Frescoln sometime today in regard to our deadlines.
3. Should anyone on our staff have or know the whereabouts of some cardboard carpet cores please let Mr. Frescoln know. The play production is in need of them for props.
4. Attention all Model United Nations club members attending the field trip today to the art museum. You should be downstairs by the office at 8:30 ready to go.
5. Attention Monday 5th grade chorus: we rehearse today after school.