1. Yearbooks will be on sale only for 7th & 8th grade students next week, May 23rd -27th. Place your order outside of the cafeteria from 7:15 until 7:45, price $29.00 cash or check. Checks to be made payable to T/ E Middle School. A sale for 5th & 6th grade students will be announced shortly.
2. All 8th grade students interested in participating in the crew team at Conestoga next year should attend a meeting on Tuesday during activity in the large group room. Please see Miss Hickey if you cannot attend.
3. Thirty T/EMS students participated in the Chester County Middle School Forensics Competition on Tuesday, May 17. This year’s topic for the Competition was the environment, and students competed in several different speech and debate events.
The competitors were:
Sixth grade: Matt C, Abby C, Ashlynn D, Roxanna F, Peibo G, Noah H, Lauren H, Piper H, Rose K, Amy L, Patrick L, Viktoria O, Jake S, Nathan S, Jason T, and Jonathan X.
Seventh grade: Mara B, Maddie D, Chris F, Rohan G, Billy H, Thomas H, Grace P, Ella R, and Olivia S.
Eighth grade: Noah B, April H, Will L, Daniel X, and Navin Z.
April H won second place in the ‘Original Oratory’ event. April researched, wrote, memorized, and delivered an original speech about the pressing need for our society to deal with environmental issues.
In the ‘Extemporaneous Speech’ event, Daniel X won honorable mention, and Rohan G won first place. For this event, Daniel and Rohan spent months researching environmental topics and, at the Competition, were given 15 minutes to compose and memorize an effective speech on a randomly chosen environmental topic.
4. Attention Forensics Club Members: Please drop by Room 203 to pick up your event ballots from the judges today or Monday. Award winners can pick up their awards after school today or anytime Monday.
5. Attention boys’ lacrosse players: The clinic with the high school coaches and players will be on Monday. After school, we will walk over to Teamer Field together. The clinic will run until about 5:00 p.m. All players who have not yet returned uniforms can do so today or on Monday.
6. Reminder for all 8th graders performing in the Variety Show, there is a mandatory dress rehearsal next Monday and Wednesday in the auditorium immediately following school. Also you MUST bring a copy of your Pinnacle course grades to dress rehearsal on Monday. Lastly, your music needs to be on a CD and turned into Mrs. Rickel by Monday at the latest. Any questions see Mrs. Rickel or Mr. Schweitzer.
7. Attention 8th grade boys’ lacrosse players: Please give pizza money to Mr. Gately this morning. We will meet in Room 203 during lunch today to celebrate the season.
8. Don't forget - you can do your part to support Juvenile Diabetes research by purchasing sneakers and bracelets in the school store this and next week. The walk will be during activity on Thursday, May 26. Thank you for your support!