1. Today’s lunch is Soft beef taco with cheese, diced tomatoes, lettuce and taco sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Today is T/E Middle School's walk to help find a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. You can support this cause by walking today at activity. Bracelets and sneakers can be purchased in the school store or outside. Please bring your collection envelope to activity and turn it in at the table. Thank you for your support.
3. Attention 8th graders… Only 13 days left to order the Memories 2011 DVD. This video is packed with highlights from your 4 years here at TE Middle School. It will be shown at the Recognition Ceremony on June 16th, but for $10.00, you can reserve a copy to own. Orders can be placed in room 212, or in the main office.
4. The last day for 5/6 After School Sports, Homework Club, and Tutoring Club is today. The shuttle buses will end today as well.
The Softball Team completed an outstanding season on Tuesday with a dominating 13 - 0 win over
5. 7th and 8th grade students may purchase yearbooks everyday this week from 7:15 until 7:45 in the hallway outside of the cafeteria price $29.00 cash or check, checks to be made payable to T/E Middle School
6. Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls lacrosse players - uniforms will be collected today during activity. Please bring your clean uniforms to the equipment room.
7. Attention all 8th grade girls - if you would be interested in being a part of a golf team at Conestoga HS, please see Miss Hickey by the end of the week.
8. Attention boys’ lacrosse players: The following 8th grade lacrosse players need to see Mr. Gately in Room 203 today: Ben C., Jack M., Jeff P., Chris W.
9. The following 7th grade lacrosse players also need to see Mr. Gately in Room 203 today: Daniel B., Omar D., Cormac D., Jack F., Harrison L., Tommy L., Jack M., David P., and Tommy S.
10. Attention all Model United Nations Club members - Please see Mrs. Cook today for a photo release form. You need to return it by tomorrow May 27.