Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Announcements for Wednesday, October 05, 2011 - Day 6

  1. Today’s lunch is Nachos w/Seasoned Beef, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream, low fat white or chocolate milk, and assorted fruits and vegetables.


  1. Those wishing to join the yearbook staff and work are invited to a brief meeting today after school in the Tech Ed Room from 2:40 until 3:00.


  1. There will be a short meeting for students interested in the Model United Nations Club at TEMS. It will be held Thurs. October 6th in the school cafeteria at 7 pm. Any student planning to attend should bring at least one parent with them and an ethnic snack to share. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Cook in room 203.


  1. Tutoring Club will begin next Tuesday, October 11th, in Mrs. Houghton’s Room, 112.  For those of you interested in joining, please see the main office or your guidance counselor for a permission slip.


  1. Do you like to write? Would you like to see your name in print? The writing club is looking for all interested writers to join in order to create the Bulldog Press, the school newspaper. Meetings will be held on Thursdays from 2:40-3:10. Permission slips can be found in the main office and turned into Mr. Mattison. The first meeting will be held tomorrow, October 6th, in the Upper Computer lab, the former Alien Lab.


  1. The Weight Football team chalked up its second win yesterday, defeating Radnor on their home field. The Bulldog offense was led by Matt H., Nick S. & Scott S. behind the blocking of Billy H, Nick D. and Mike M. The defense was fired up by Nick S., David P., Henry B., Zach K. and Matt R.  Congratulations on a total team effort!!!