1. Today’s lunch is Chicken Lasagna Roll-ups with Spaghetti Sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Spring Sports Players ...please stop in the Main Office to pick up your forms ....The Season will be starting soon.
3. Dance Club Members. This is a reminder that Dance Club is cancelled for this week.
4. This is VALENTINE'S DAY - Our school is supporting two good causes this week with a Valentine's Fundraiser. Come out with your dollars before school, and at lunch. Buy some valentines and stickers. If you want to see Mr. Broadhead and Mr. Mattison sing and Mr. Ferris shave his beard - we have some big donations to make to get there. You can do it TE - It's all for fun and good causes.
5. Just a reminder to all 7th grade students that the first 3