Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Announcements for Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1.     Today there is no lunch due to the half day.


2.     Due to the ½ day today there will be no 5/6 after school sports, no after school music or 5/6 shuttle bus.


3.     Attention all lacrosse, baseball, and softball players that have never had an ImPACT test.  Please go to the library on Monday or Wednesday after school next week to take your baseline test.  The test will take about 45 minutes.  Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.

4.     All Wrestlers please return clean uniforms to the Main Office.


5.     Alec Lantz-Goldstein, David Lynam, and Brittany Yates please see Ms. Wilson in room 221 ASAP.


6.     Attention ALL CAST members of Cinderella:  Rehearsal TOMORROW is from the end of school until 3pm.  Please bring COSTUMES AND A LUNCH.


7.     Happy 80th Birthday to the BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation.  The British Empire was so large that the BBC still broadcasts today in 27 languages to reach all of the remaining members of the British Commonwealth.