1. Today’s lunch is Hot Ham & Cheese on a Bagel, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. The line up for the track Meet on Wednesday against
3. Today in 1789, in New York City, George Washington, the great military leader of the American Revolution, is inaugurated as the first president of the United States.
4. The 8th grade boys' lacrosse team lost to Ridley by a score of 4-3 on Friday. Brant P. had two goals and an assist, Mac H. had a goal, and Omar D. had an assist. Kyle P. made more than ten saves in goal.
5. All boys' lacrosse players, please note: Today we play at Lionville, with an early dismissal at 2:20. The 8th grade plays first at 3:45, followed by the 7th grade around 4:45.
6. When you are down in the Cafeteria today, check out the new items on the What A Life board. On the board is a term you may not have heard before. It’s called Your Digital Footprint.
A digital footprint is a collection of activities and behaviors recorded when a person interacts in a digital environment. It may include the recording of activities such as system login and logouts, visits to a web-page, emails, texting on a phone, posting on a social networking site like Facebook, and many more.
Your "digital footprint" specifically describes the trail you leave in cyberspace and on any form of digital communication. Unlike paper trails, which can ultimately be destroyed or eliminated, "digital paper trails" are recorded and stored forever; there is nothing you can do to erase these records. Trying to hide one's digital footprint is impossible.
What does Your Digital Footprint say about you?
If you remember the phrase that Integrity is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching, your digital footprint will be a positive reflection of you because you will always be reflecting others in a positive way.