1. Today’s lunch is Chicken Cacciatore over Pasta, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Attention all 8th graders who are interested in auditioning for the 8th grade Variety Show. Start thinking of your ideas. There will be an informational meeting in Mr. Ferris's Room 226, on Wednesday, April 11 during your activity. Please see Mrs. Rickel or Mr. Ferris if you have any questions. Hope to see you at the meeting on April 11th!
3. Attention all 8th grade students - Conestoga Peer Mediation applications are due this Friday to the main office. Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.
4. 5th and 6th grade Helping Hands members: Please stop by Ms. Seymour’s room in 208 today during your activity period today for a quick project update
5. On this day in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt establishes the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), an innovative federally funded organization that put thousands of Americans to work during the Great Depression on projects with environmental benefits
6. The Yearbook Club will be hosting a contest over the next 2 weeks giving you a chance to win 4 free yearbooks. One person from each grade will win one book. To be eligible to participate you must not be failing in any subject. The rules are simple if you are picked at random all you have to do is answer a school-related trivia question correctly. If you get it correct you win a free yearbook if you get it wrong we will pick another person to answer another question. You also can NOT have any help to answer your question. We’ll start this Thursday and go to the end of April or until all the yearbooks have been claimed. On Thursday we will announce the first person to get a chance to win. All winners will be announced at the end of the contest.