1. Today’s lunch is Cheese and Pepperoni dippers, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Attention all 8th graders planning on trying out for Conestoga's football team this summer - There is an important meeting today during activity in the wrestling room. Please see Miss Hickey if you cannot attend.
3. Attention 8th Grade: This is a reminder that individual Variety Show Permission Slips are due to Mr. Ferris as soon as possible. The deadline to turn in permission forms is Thursday, April 26th. Also, in order to participate in the auditions your act must submit a registration form to Mr. Ferris.
4. Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is on Monday, April 23, after school. We will be finishing our resolutions and getting permission slips.
5. The 8th grade boys' lacrosse team beat
6. Congratulations to Mrs. Holmes’ homeroom for winning song of the week. The song was Eyes Open by Taylor Swift.