Wednesday, December 23, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of Jan 4

BBB v Radnor at TEMS, 7th grade at 3:15, then 8th

GBB at Radnor, 8th grade at 3:15, then 7th
WR v Welsh Valley at TEMS, 3:15

BBB at Valley Forge, 8th at 3:15, then 7th

BBB at Haverford MS, 8th at 3:30, then 7th
WR at Radnor, 3:15

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, December 22, 1009

1.     There will be no after school activities on Wednesday, December 23. There will be no late shuttle bus or 4:00 Flite bus. Students must take their regular transportation home.


2.     The lost and found is overflowing. Items not claimed by Winter Break will be donated to a local charity. The Lost and Found bin is located in the hallway to the Large Gym.


3.     Attention all 5/6 cast members.  We will be having play practice today, Tuesday, after school until 4:00 pm.  Meet in the Large Group Room.  See you there!


4.     There are a number of lost and found items in music room 10.  If you are missing a sweatshirt, notebook, or textbook, please check the room 10 lost and found.  Items not picked up by the end of the day on Wednesday will be disposed of or donated to charity.


5.     Does anyone recognize the "Bulldogs " in this weeks "Photo of the Week". The "Photo of the Week" is located over the door of room 122, take a look !!!


6.     Attention all cantabile members attending the field trip to Main Line Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.  Please meet in room 171 today at 9:50 to depart for the trip.


7.     Any Weight Football player who did not receive his Participation Certificate should report to room 108 immediately after announcements.


Monday, December 21, 2009

anoucements for Monday, December 21

  1. There are a number of lost and found items in music room 10.  If you are missing a sweatshirt, notebook, or textbook, please check the room 10 lost and found.  Items not picked up by the end of the day on Wednesday will be disposed of or donated to charity.


  1. There will be no after school activities on Wednesday, December 23. There will be no late shuttle bus or 4:00 Flite bus. Students must take their regular transportation home.


  1. The lost and found is overflowing. Items not claimed by Winter Break will be donated to a local charity. The Lost and Found bin is located in the hallway to the Large Gym.



TEMS Athletics: Week of 12/21

GBB at Stewart MS, 7th at 3:30 then 8th

BBB at Eisenhower MS, 7th at 3:30 then 8th

Friday, December 18, 2009

TEMS Athletics - 12/18 and 12/19

Friday 12/18:
8/7 Boys Basketball game v Stewart MS
8 Girls Basketball game at Colonial MS
7 Girls Basketball practice
NO Wrestling practice

Saturday 12/19:
Wrestling tournament postponed to 2/6
8 Girls Basketball game postponed, date TBA

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, December 17, 2009

  1. Dance Club is cancelled for this week.


  1. There will be no writing club on today. We will return after the winter break to begin work on the second edition of the newspaper.


  1. Tech Club will not meet today or Friday ….


  1. The 8th grade girl’s basketball team won yesterday against Eisenhower 41 to 14.  The team played a well balanced game with 9 different players scoring buckets.  Sonali Dhawan, Katie O’Hara and Elsie Wagner each netted 6 points.  Molly Martin scored 5 points.  Kristen Misialek, Shelby Wetherell, Emily Sparks, and Annina Ruggirello each ended up with 4 points and Rita Concannon finished with 2 points. Overall, this was a great win for the team.



Monday, December 14, 2009

Announcements for Monday Dec.14, 2009

1.     TEMS has decided to recycle Capri-Sun juice pouches for a company called Terracycle.  Terracycle makes products out of these pouches and sends money to the school for collecting them.  We will donate all money we raise to charity. There is a bin in the cafeteria under the TV.  Please participate by putting your empty Capri-Sun juice pouches in the bin!


2.     There will be sectionals for all boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.


3.     Tech Club will not meet  Monday , Wednesday and Friday of this week..


4.     Does anyone recognize the students in this weeks "Photo of the Week".



Friday, December 11, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of Dec. 14

12/14/09, GBB, 8/7, UPPER DUBLIN, H       
12/14/09, WR, 7/8, E.T. RICHARDSON, A     

12/16/09, GBB, 8/7, EISENHOWER, H         

12/18/09, BBB, 8/7, STEWART, H    
12/18/09, GBB, 8, GWYNEDD-MERCY ACAD @ Colonial MS                

12/19/09, GBB, 8, TBA @ Colonial MS
12/19/09, WR, 7/8, CHICHESTER, A        

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, December 10, 2009

1.    Attention all 5th and 6th graders in the play.  We will practice Today after school in the Large Group Room.  If you cannot attend practice, please see Mrs. Bellopede or Mrs. Rickel to sign up for an audition time and to receive your audition scene.


2.    The high scorers on the Math League test were:


Kansihka R

Mike S

April H


Congratulations to these students.


3.    All students going on the CAT Pickering field trip should report to the main office lobby immediately after homeroom.


4.    Dance Club is cancelled for today




Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday December 8, 2009

1. The Math League Test will be held today in Large Group Room 12 during first period. Participants should report promptly following homeroom. Please bring a calculator and a pencil.

2. Attention all 5th and 6th graders participating in the play. There is NO PLAY PRACTICE today after school. We will see you on Thursday!

3. 8th grade music classes will not meet in their regular classes today. 8th graders who have Miss Moyer's music class first period today should report to room 147. 8th graders who have Mr. Ducassoux's music class first period today should report to room 153.

4. Attention all 6th Graders attending the Flyers Game. The game is this Thursday, December 10. There will be a mandatory meeting today during Activity in Mr. Allison's room for all students attending the game.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Announcements for Monday, November 7, 2009

1.    Attention all 6th Graders attending the Flyers Game. The game is this Thursday, December 10. There will be a mandatory meeting tomorrow during Activity  in Mr. Allison's room for all students attending the game.

2.    Have you seen the photo of the week ???  This week the yearbook staff begins its " Photo of The Week ". Each week a photo will be selected and displayed above the door of room 122. Take a peek !!!

3.    There will be a special sectional for all members of 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.  All members of 5th & 6th grade chorus report to the auditorium during lunch activity for important information about tomorrow's concerts.

4.    Thanks to the effort and thoughtfulness of our staff and student body, over 850 recovering soldiers will receive a holiday greeting card.

  1. This is a reminder that students should begin going to the next 12 week rotation class today for Applied Tech, Family Consumer Science and Tech Ed.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, December 3, 2009

  1. Get ready all Model UN members!

Our next meeting is this Thursday, December 3.

Come prepared for research and to select your country!



  1. The Philly Cares Winter coat drive has begun.  Please bring in your new or gently used coats to room 121 throughout the month of December.



  1. Attention all Math League Participants.  Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, December 8, first period.  The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate.  Please sign up outside Mrs. Stehouwer’s room, 201. 



Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, December 1, 2009

  1. The deadline 4 "Cards 4 Recovering Soldiers" is today, 4:30 to be exact. Place the cards in the box in the main office. Thank you ...


  1. Attention 5th & 6th grade chorus members:  All boys in 5th & 6th grade chorus who did not attend yesterday's sectional must report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.  6th Grade chorus will rehearse immediately after school today in Room 10.


  1. Get ready all Model UN members!

Our next meeting is this Thursday, December 3.

Come prepared for research and to select your country!


  1. The following students need to hand in their field hockey uniform by the end of the day or you will receive a bill for the missing items:


Lily Bove

Lexie King

Leah Lezanic

Kristen Misialek

Jordyn Payne

Haley Varma

Hayley Wallace


  1. Reminder to those interested in participating in this year’s 5th and 6th grade play.  Please return your forms for Mrs. Bellopede and Mrs. Rickel as soon as possible! Rehearsals start today!  2:45-3:30 in the Large Group Room!


  1. The Philly Cares Winter coat drive has begun.  Please bring in your new or gently used coats to room 121 throughout the month of December.


  1. All field hockey uniforms are due to Mrs Patek immediately.  Please hand in your uniform to room 121.  You may also pick up your certificate in room 121.  All items left in the team room have been placed in the lost and found or Mrs. Patek's room.  If you left a hockey stick, you may pick it up in room 121.  All other items can be found in the lost and found bin. 


  1. The question yesterday for the last day of November - Geographic Awareness month was:

What region of Canada is the most northern with many islands ?

The answer was Nunavut, answered correctly by 50 students. The winners are Emma Buthusiem and Aashni Sharma . They can claim their prizes in room 218 .


Monday, November 30, 2009

Announcements for Monday, November 30, 2009

  1. All field hockey uniforms are due to Mrs Patek immediately.  Please hand in your uniform to room 121.  You may also pick up your certificate in room 121.  All items left in the team room have been placed in the lost and found or Mrs. Patek's room.  If you left a hockey stick, you may pick it up in room 121.  All other items can be found in the lost and found bin. 


  1. Our next Homeroom Rep meeting will be tomorrow...Tuesday, November 30th.

The 5th and 6th grade HR Rep meeting will be at 7:30 am in Room 234.

The 7th and 8th grade HR Rep meetings will be during their activity period in Room 234.

Homeroom teachers, please make sure you have at least one representative from your HR there!


  1. Our annual Canned Food Collection has begun!  Many of us are so lucky to not have to worry about when or where we will get our next meal.  There are other families out there that are not so lucky.  Please show your generosity and compassion for others by donating items such as canned vegetables, pasta, rice, canned fruit, etc to our cause. All donations will go to the Paoli Food Closet who will help distribute the items to  needy families in this area.  Wednesday, December 9th is the last collection day!  As in the past, the homeroom that brings in the greatest amount of food will get a pizza party from Student Council.  Thanks again for your generosity


  1. This has been National Geographic Awareness Month. In honor of that  you have heard a geography trivia question regularly.  The last question you heard was :

Name the largest country in the world. There were 50 people with the correct answer. The winners are : Natalie Moir in room 208 and Celine Huang in room 213. They can claim their prizes in room 218. Today's question will be the last one.


Which region of Canada is the most northern region, with many islands ?


When you know the answer write it on a small paper with your name, and place it in the envelope outside room 218.


  1. Reminder to those interested in participating in this year’s 5th and 6th grade play.  Please return your forms for Mrs. Bellopede and Mrs. Rickel as soon as possible! Rehearsals start tomorrow!  2:45-3:30 in the Large Group Room!


  1. The Philly Cares Winter coat drive has begun.  Please bring in your new or gently used coats to room 121 throughout the month of December.


  1. The 6th grade mathcounts will have their first meeting tomorrow at 7:00 AM in room 121.  All interested students are welcome to join the group.  Please see Mrs. Patek if you are interested in joining. 


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, November 24, 2009

1.)  Ping Pong Club is cancelled for this Tuesday.


We will meet again on Tuesday December 1st when we return from Thanksgiving break.


2.)  Attention all 5th and 6th graders signed up to participate in the play.  There will be a meeting on Tuesday 11/24 during your Activity periods in the Large Group Room.  


Please see Mrs. Bellopede in room 206 or Mrs. Rickel in room 106 if cannot attend the meeting.  



3.)  There will no 5/6 after school sports on Wednesday, November 25.


4.)  Dance club will meet this upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday.


5.)  The geography trivia question for Monday asked the names of the 4 United States which meet at one point. There were 43 correct answers submitted, and the winners this time are Michael B and Rahul G. They can claim their prizes in room 218.


Today's question is :

Name the largest country in the world.


When you know the answer write it on a small paper with your name, and place it in the envelope outside room 218.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Announcements for Monday, November 23, 2009

1.)    Attention all 5th and 6th graders signed up to participate in the play.  There will be a meeting on Tuesday 11/24 during your Activity periods in the Large Group Room.  Please see Mrs. Bellopede in room 206 or Mrs. Rickel in room 106 if cannot attend the meeting.  


2.)    In honor of Geographic Awareness Month, a question a day will be shared with you each day this week. Friday's winners knew that there are 2 countries who share Mt. Everest as their tallest mountain, China and Nepal. Today's question is: Name the 4 states of the United States that share borders such that they all meet at a point.  When you think you know, write your answer on a small paper and place it with your name in the envelope outside room 218.


3.)    Ping Pong Club is cancelled for this Tuesday.

We will meet again on Tuesday December 1st when we return from Thanksgiving



4.)    Dance club will meet this upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday.


5.)    There will no 5/6 after school sports on Wednesday, November 25.


6.)    Attention 6th grade students interested in participating in mathcounts.  There will be a meeting in room 121 Tuesday, November 24th at 7:20 AM.  All 6th grade students interested in participating in mathcounts should come to the meeting.  If you are unable to attend please see Mrs. Patek in room 121. 



Friday, November 20, 2009

Announcements for November 20, 2009

1.)    Attention all winter sports athletes:  The following are the informational meeting times for all winter sports.  If interested, please make sure you attend:

8th boys basketball - Monday 11/23, during activity in auxiliary gym
8th girls basketball - Tuesday, 11/24, during activity in auxillary gym
7th girls basketball - Monday 11/30, after school in large group room
Wrestling - Monday, 11/30, after school, auxiliary gym, be ready to practice
7th boys basketball - Tuesday, 12/1, during activity in room 221

2.)    Lend a Hand will be participating in the Philly Cares 14th annual winter coat drive.  Please bring in your new or “gently used” winter coats to be donated to needy families in the Philadelphia area. Drop coats off in Room 121 from November 30 to December 23.

3.)    Dance club will meet this upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday.

4.)    Attention 6th grade students interested in participating in mathcounts.  There will be a meeting in room 121 Tuesday,

5.)    November 24th at 7:20 AM.  All 6th grade students interested in participating in mathcounts should come to the meeting.  If you are unable to attend please see Mrs. Patek in room 121. 

6.)    Homework Club and Tutoring Club will meet on Monday & Tuesday only next week. There will be no Homework Club or Tutoring Club on Wednesday, Nov. 25.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Winter Sports Interest Meetings

8th boys basketball - Monday 11/23, activity, auxiliary gym
8th girls basketball - Tuesday, 11/24, activity, room 221
7th girls basketball - Monday 11/30, after school, large group room
Wrestling - Monday, 11/30, after school, auxiliary gym, ready to practice
7th boys basketball - Tuesday, 12/1, activity, room 221

Announcements for Thursday November 19th, 2009

1)     Lend a Hand will be participating in the Philly Cares 14th annual winter coat drive.  Please bring in your new or “gently used” winter coats to be donated to needy families in the Philadelphia area. Drop coats off in Room 121 from November 30 to December 23


2)     The correct answer for Tuesday's geography question naming the United States' city with the highest population density was New York City. There were 5 correct answers, and the prizes this time go to Emmi Dolph and Kathryn Santivasci. They can get their prizes in room 218.

Today's question is :

What state in the United States gets the most international tourists ?

If you know the answer write it and your name on a small paper and place in the envelope near room 218.

Tomorrow is International dress-up day. Wear or bring something from another country to lunch and receive a treat. Uggs do not count !



3)     Mr. Davis’ 6th period Science students are asked to meet in the Large Group Room during 6th period today.  Once again, Mr. Davis’ 6th period Science students are asked to meet in the Large Group Room during 6th period today.


4)     Attention 6th grade students interested in participating in mathcounts.  There will be a meeting in room 121 Tuesday, November 24th at 7:20 AM.  All 6th grade students interested in participating in mathcounts should come to the meeting.  If you are unable to attend please see Mrs. Patek in room 121.


5)     5.Tech Club will meet this week Monday and  Friday 5th and 6th grade , Tuesday and Thursday 7th and 8th grade...


6)     Congratulations to the high scorers on Tuesday’s

Pennsylvania Math League Test:


Lee B, with a perfect paper


Other high scorers were:


Patrick N

Sophia P

Kanishka R

Eric Y

Tim M

Noah B


Highest cumulative score for the year so far was earned by Lee B, followed by Patrick N, Kanishka R and Noah B.


Good work to all who participated.









Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday November 17, 2009

1.     Tech Club will meet this week.   Friday for 5th and 6th grade and Tuesday and Thursday for 7th and 8th grade.


2.     Field hockey uniforms are due to Mrs Patek or Ms Crocker immediately.  Please hand in your washed uniform to room 121.


3.     Everyone at TE Middle is invited participate in this opportunity, Cards for Recovering Soldiers. Cards will be available in the main office starting Monday, November 16th.  Other than to a recovering soldier no other address is necessary. Write what you want, as much as you want and then return them to the main office.   Our deadline is Dec. 1st.   Go for it TE Middle


4.     The wrestling weight certification for today after school has been cancelled.  Please listen for when it is rescheduled.


5.     All Weight Football players should return their cleaned uniform to the Team Locker Room immediately after school on Tuesday, Nov. 17.  The team Pizza Party will occur after uniform collection.  You must have your cleaned uniform to participate in the party. No uniform-No pizza.


6.     The Math League Test will be held today in Large Group Room 12 during first period. Participants should report promptly following homeroom.  Please bring a calculator and a pencil.


7.     Attention 7th and 8th grade boys’ soccer players: there will be a team party today during lunch / activity in Large Group Room 12 (next to the cafeteria)


8.     In honor of November being the Geography Awareness Month, there will be a new geography question for you every day. Monday's question was :


What country has the most international tourists every year ? The anwer was France. No one got it right, so there will be two prizes today for the following question.


What is the most densely populated big city in the United States?


If you think you know the answer, write it and your name, on a small paper and place in the envelope outside room 218 today.


Friday this week will also be International Dress Up Day. Wear something or bring somethiong from another country on Friday to lunch and get a treat. Uggs do not count !



Monday, November 16, 2009

Announcements for November 16, 2009

1. All Weight Football players should return their cleaned uniform to the Team Locker Room immediately after school on Tuesday, Nov. 17.  The team Pizza Party will occur after uniform collection.

You must have your cleaned uniform to participate in the party. No uniform-No pizza.


2. Do you still want to join the Forensics or Public Speaking Club?  It’s not too late!  Please drop by Room 203 to pick up a permission form.  The first meeting of the Forensics Club will be on Monday from 2:30-3:45 in Room 203.  See Mr. Gately with any questions.


3. Everyone at TE Middle is invited participate in this opportunity, Cards for Recovering Soldiers. Cards will be available in the main office starting Monday, November 16th


Other than to a recovering soldier no other address is necessary. Write what you want, as much as you want and then return them to the main office.


Our deadline is Dec. 1st.   Go for it TE Middle


4. All 7th and 8th grade boys interested in participating in wrestling this winter must have their weight certified after school today or Tuesday in the nurses office.  Please stop in the main office or go to the TEMS sports website for more information.


5. In honor of Geographic Awareness Month, you will hear a different geography question each day this week.


Monday 16 Nov. : What country has the largest number of international tourists visiting year ?


When you think you know the answer , write it on a small piece of paper and place in the envelope outside room 218. Prizes will be given the next day.




Friday, November 13, 2009

Announcements for Friday, November 13, 2009

  1. All Weight Football players should return their cleaned uniform to the Team Locker Room immediately after school on Tuesday, Nov. 17.  The team Pizza Party will occur after uniform collection. You must have your cleaned uniform to participate in the party. No uniform-No pizza.


  1. Do you still want to join the Forensics or Public Speaking Club?  It’s not too late!  Please drop by Room 203 to pick up a permission form.  The first meeting of the Forensics Club will be on Monday from 2:30-3:45 in Room 203.  See Mr. Gately with any questions.


  1. Lend a hand will be making casseroles to be given to a homeless shelter in Norristown on November 17th after school from 2:45 to 3:15.   All you need to do is pick up a permission slip outside room 121, fill it out and return it to Mrs. Patek in room 121.  All grades may participate.


  1. Field hockey uniforms are due on November 17th to Ms Crocker or Mrs. Patek.  Please return your clean uniform to your coach no later than November 17th. 


  1. All 7th and 8th grade boys interested in participating in wrestling this winter must have their weight certified after school on Monday or Tuesday in the nurse’s office.  Please stop in the main office or go to the TEMS sports website for more information.






Thursday, November 12, 2009

Announcements for Thursday November 12, 2009

1.      Attention all Math League Participants.  Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, November 17, first period.  The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate.  Please sign up outside Mrs. Stehouwer’s room, 201. 


2.      On Tuesday, the Weight Football Team defeated Radnor in its final home game 14-8.

The offense was sparked by John D., Franco D, Eric F., Colin F., and Pat and Tom R.

The defense was led by Webb K., Thaine S., Connor C., Luke T., and Bobby B.

Congratulations to the entire team for their dedicated efforts to close out the season with a 5 and 1 record.


3.      Attention all 5th and 6th grade actors, actresses, set directors, and stagehands.  There will be a meeting on Thursday November 12 during 6th period in Mrs. Bellopede’s Room #206.  Please bring your lunch and join us if you are interested in participating in this year’s 5th and 6th grade play! Hope to see you there! 


4.      Do you want to help the environment and make money for charity, too?  Recycle your empty Capri-Sun juice pouches at lunch and they will be given to Terracycle.  Terracycle makes bags and backpacks out of the Capri-Sun pouches, and these items are sold all over the country.  Recycling the pouches gives T/E the opportunity to earn money to donate to charity.  Please help by simply recycling empty Capri-Sun pouches at lunch in the designated, decorated bin.  Thank you for your participation!


5.      Volleyball 7th grade please be reminded of our party today 2:45 - 4:00 and eat a lite lunch.. Bring your clean uniform, knee pads and "the bread" !!!


6.      All Weight Football players should return their cleaned uniform to the Team Locker Room immediately after school on Tuesday, Nov. 17.

The team Pizza Party will occur after uniform collection.

You must have your cleaned uniform to participate in the party. No uniform-No pizza.


7.      Dance Club will not meet today.  We will meet next Tuesday.



Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TEMS Athletics 11/11

Girls soccer and field hockey are cancelled for today and will not be rescheduled. 
Unlimited Football game is still on at Eisenhower, 3:30.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday November 10, 2009

   1. All students participating in the Guys Harmonize trip today should report to the Auditorium immediately after homeroom. 



    2. Sixth grade chorus will rehearse in the Auditorium beginning promptly at 2:40 today.



    3. Do you like to take a stand and argue your point?  Do you enjoy discussions and public speaking?  Learn strategies for presenting your case and vanquishing your opponents! Interested students in grades 6-8, please come to an organizational meeting of the Forensics or Public Speaking Club on Tuesday during activity in Room 203.   Members will have the opportunity to represent T/E Middle School in competition at the Chester County Forensics Tournament in February.  See Mr. Gately in Room 203 for more details.


   4. Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, November 11th if you did not have your picture taken on the first picture day, please report to the auditorium sometime before lunch.  If you would like your picture retaken, please bring your picture packet with you to the auditorium.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Announcements for Monday, November 9, 2009

1.      Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, November 11.  If you did not have your picture taken on the first picture day, please report to the auditorium sometime before lunch.  If you would like your picture retaken, please bring your picture packet with you to the auditorium. 


2.      Do you like to take a stand and argue your point?  Do you enjoy discussions and public speaking?  Learn strategies for presenting your case and vanquishing your opponents! Interested students in grades 6-8, please come to an organizational meeting of the Forensics or Public Speaking Club on Tuesday during activity in Room 203.   Members will have the opportunity to represent T/E Middle School in competition at the Chester County Forensics Tournament in February.  See Mr. Gately in Room 203 for more details.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Announcements for Friday, November 6, 2009

1.)    Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, November 11.  If you did not have your picture taken on the first picture day, please report to the auditorium sometime before lunch.  If you would like your picture retaken, please bring your picture packet with you to the auditorium. 


Announcements for Thursday, November 5, 2009

1.) Today Puppetry Club will meet after school in room 120A. Late bus is provided.



2.) Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, November 11.  If you did not have your picture taken on the first picture day, please report to the auditorium sometime before lunch.  If you would like your picture retaken, please bring your picture packet with you to the auditorium. 


3.) Attention all Model UN club members - Our next meeting is after school Thursday 5 November. Meet in the library area until 3:45. If you can't attend, see one of the sponsors before hand.


4.) Congratulations to the 7th grade field hockey team for beating Stewart yesterday.  Everyone played a strong 2nd half with Ava A. scoring the lone goal to give the Bulldogs the win.  Good luck in the game tomorrow against Radnor.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

TEMS Athletics: Week of 11/9

Final week of fall sports!

Boys Soccer v Bala Cynwyd @ VFMS, 7th at 3:15 then 8th
Girls Soccer v Radnor @ O'Dorizio Park, 7th at 3:15 then 8th

Boys Soccer v Valley Forge @ VFMS, 7th at 3:15 then 8th
Volleyball v Valley Forge @ VFMS, 8th at 3:15 then 7th
Weight Football v Radnor @ Teamer Field, 3:15

Unlimited Football v Eisenhower @ EMS, 3:30
Field Hockey v Valley Forge @ VFMS, 7th at 3:15, then 8th
Girls Soccer v Valley Forge @ VFMS, 8th at 3:15, then 7th

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Announcements for Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1.)    Congratulations to the 7th grade girls’ soccer team who defeated Eisenhower yesterday with a score of 5-0. Goals were scored by Maggie S., Hannah H., Sarah B., and Meredith C. Congratulations ladies.


2.)    Will members of the Photo Club please go to Mr. Snell's room at Activity today.  The school newspaper has requested photos of fall sports.  Sports photo assignments will be given out at Activity. Please be prompt