Monday, November 30, 2009

Announcements for Monday, November 30, 2009

  1. All field hockey uniforms are due to Mrs Patek immediately.  Please hand in your uniform to room 121.  You may also pick up your certificate in room 121.  All items left in the team room have been placed in the lost and found or Mrs. Patek's room.  If you left a hockey stick, you may pick it up in room 121.  All other items can be found in the lost and found bin. 


  1. Our next Homeroom Rep meeting will be tomorrow...Tuesday, November 30th.

The 5th and 6th grade HR Rep meeting will be at 7:30 am in Room 234.

The 7th and 8th grade HR Rep meetings will be during their activity period in Room 234.

Homeroom teachers, please make sure you have at least one representative from your HR there!


  1. Our annual Canned Food Collection has begun!  Many of us are so lucky to not have to worry about when or where we will get our next meal.  There are other families out there that are not so lucky.  Please show your generosity and compassion for others by donating items such as canned vegetables, pasta, rice, canned fruit, etc to our cause. All donations will go to the Paoli Food Closet who will help distribute the items to  needy families in this area.  Wednesday, December 9th is the last collection day!  As in the past, the homeroom that brings in the greatest amount of food will get a pizza party from Student Council.  Thanks again for your generosity


  1. This has been National Geographic Awareness Month. In honor of that  you have heard a geography trivia question regularly.  The last question you heard was :

Name the largest country in the world. There were 50 people with the correct answer. The winners are : Natalie Moir in room 208 and Celine Huang in room 213. They can claim their prizes in room 218. Today's question will be the last one.


Which region of Canada is the most northern region, with many islands ?


When you know the answer write it on a small paper with your name, and place it in the envelope outside room 218.


  1. Reminder to those interested in participating in this year’s 5th and 6th grade play.  Please return your forms for Mrs. Bellopede and Mrs. Rickel as soon as possible! Rehearsals start tomorrow!  2:45-3:30 in the Large Group Room!


  1. The Philly Cares Winter coat drive has begun.  Please bring in your new or gently used coats to room 121 throughout the month of December.


  1. The 6th grade mathcounts will have their first meeting tomorrow at 7:00 AM in room 121.  All interested students are welcome to join the group.  Please see Mrs. Patek if you are interested in joining.