1. All Weight Football players should return their cleaned uniform to the Team Locker Room immediately after school on Tuesday, Nov. 17. The team Pizza Party will occur after uniform collection.
You must have your cleaned uniform to participate in the party. No uniform-No pizza.
2. Do you still want to join the Forensics or Public Speaking Club? It’s not too late! Please drop by Room 203 to pick up a permission form. The first meeting of the Forensics Club will be on Monday from 2:30-3:45 in Room 203. See Mr. Gately with any questions.
3. Everyone at TE Middle is invited participate in this opportunity, Cards for Recovering Soldiers. Cards will be available in the main office starting Monday, November 16th.
Other than to a recovering soldier no other address is necessary. Write what you want, as much as you want and then return them to the main office.
Our deadline is Dec. 1st. Go for it TE Middle
4. All 7th and 8th grade boys interested in participating in wrestling this winter must have their weight certified after school today or Tuesday in the nurses office. Please stop in the main office or go to the TEMS sports website for more information.
5. In honor of Geographic Awareness Month, you will hear a different geography question each day this week.
Monday 16 Nov. : What country has the largest number of international tourists visiting year ?
When you think you know the answer , write it on a small piece of paper and place in the envelope outside room 218. Prizes will be given the next day.