1. Attention all Math League Participants. Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, November 17, first period. The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate. Please sign up outside Mrs. Stehouwer’s room, 201.
2. On Tuesday, the Weight Football Team defeated Radnor in its final home game 14-8.
The offense was sparked by John D., Franco D, Eric F., Colin F., and Pat and Tom R.
The defense was led by Webb K., Thaine S., Connor C., Luke T., and Bobby B.
Congratulations to the entire team for their dedicated efforts to close out the season with a 5 and 1 record.
3. Attention all 5th and 6th grade actors, actresses, set directors, and stagehands. There will be a meeting on Thursday November 12 during 6th period in Mrs. Bellopede’s Room #206. Please bring your lunch and join us if you are interested in participating in this year’s 5th and 6th grade play! Hope to see you there!
4. Do you want to help the environment and make money for charity, too? Recycle your empty Capri-Sun juice pouches at lunch and they will be given to Terracycle. Terracycle makes bags and backpacks out of the Capri-Sun pouches, and these items are sold all over the country. Recycling the pouches gives T/E the opportunity to earn money to donate to charity. Please help by simply recycling empty Capri-Sun pouches at lunch in the designated, decorated bin. Thank you for your participation!
5. Volleyball 7th grade please be reminded of our party today 2:45 - 4:00 and eat a lite lunch.. Bring your clean uniform, knee pads and "the bread" !!!
6. All Weight Football players should return their cleaned uniform to the Team Locker Room immediately after school on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
The team Pizza Party will occur after uniform collection.
You must have your cleaned uniform to participate in the party. No uniform-No pizza.
7. Dance Club will not meet today. We will meet next Tuesday.