1. TE Shines will have its first meeting of the year on Monday, October 5 in room 225 from 2:40-3:10. See Ms. Seymour or Miss Hickey if you have any questions.
2. Ping Pong Club starts up again on Tuesday, October 13th
Ping Pong Club is limited to 20 students so membership is first come, first served.
Sign ups are in Mr Snell's Rm #115 and for 7th and 8th grade students only.
Ping Pong Club will meet every Tuesday from 2:40 until 4:00.
3. Interested in taking better photographs? Want to learn more about PhotoShop? Let your creativity loose in Photo Club!
Photo Club is open to all 7th and 8th grade students and will meet in Mr. Snell's room #115 every Thursday from 2:40 until 4:00.
Stop in and sign up today. Be a more creative photographer by joining Photo Club beginning October 8th.
4. 5/6 Chorus sectionals are cancelled today. 5th Grade Chorus is cancelled this afternoon.
If you need to make a phone call home, please come to the office during your lunch activity period.
5. The first parent and student meeting of the Model United Nations Club will be Wednesday 7 October at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, in the school cafeteria. Any student who likes to write and think about other countries from 6th, 7th, or 8th grade is welcome to join. You need to bring an international food snack with you to the meeting. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Cook or Mrs. Kearney.
6. 8th grade students attending the Wharton Esherick field trip today are to be dismissed at 8:45. Students please meet Mr. Frescoln at the office entrance to school. Please bring a pencil, jacket and provisions for lunch.