Thursday, October 15, 2009

Announcements for Thursday, October 15, 2009

1.      Attention all Math League Participants.  Signups are being taken for the Math League Test to be administered Tuesday, October 20, first period.  The test will be held in Large Group Room 12 and will last approximately thirty minutes. All advanced seventh and eighth grade math students are encouraged to participate.  Please sign up outside Mrs. Stehouwer’s room, 201. 


2.      Puppet Club will meet today after school in room 120A right next to the TV studio. Late bus will be provided.


3.      Attention All Model United Nations Club members, and those who still want to be :  We  will  have  our  first  after  school  meeting of the year on Thursday 15 October, in the Alien Lab, from 2:35 till 3:45.  If you would still like to join, see Mrs. Cook or Mrs. Kearney for the application.


4.      There will be make-up sectionals for 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.  Any member of 5th or 6th grade chorus who did not attend a sectional yet this week should report to Room 10 during activity today.


5.      Fifth grade chorus will meet immediately after school today in Room 10.


6.      There will be a rehearsal for 5th & 6th grade boys interested in attending Guys Harmonize during activity tomorrow in Room 10.