1. Ping Pong Club is going to meet beginning Tuesday October 13th at 2:40. There is still time to sign up, but space is limited. Stop in Mr. Snell's Rm #115 and sign up today
2. Photo Club meets starting Thursday. Members are asked to bring their cameras, PC cords and fresh batteries. If you would like to join Photo Club there is still time to sign up. Come by Mr. Snell's room #115 and pick up a permission slip.
3. Buddy Games Club meets this afternoon in room 150. See you there.
4. Puppetry club will meet today after school in room 120 A which is next door to the TV studio. Late bus will be provided. Our club is busy making sock puppets and writing scripts for plays. Interested students can still join.
5. There will be make-up sectionals for 5th & 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today. Any member of 5th or 6th grade chorus who did not attend a sectional yet this week should report to Room 10 during activity today.
6. Fifth grade chorus will meet immediately after school today in Room 10.