Thursday, March 1, 2012

Announcements for Thursday, March 1, 2012

1.       Today there is no lunch due to the half day.


2.       Due to the ½ day today there will be no 5/6 after school sports, no after school music or 5/6 shuttle bus.


3.       8th grade Girls interested in playing Soccer for Conestoga, there will be a meeting on March 14 during Activity in the Adaptive Gym


4.       Alice Reagan and Sondra Dickey please see Ms. Crocker today.


5.       Attention all lacrosse, baseball, and softball players that have never had an ImPACT test.  Please go to the library on Monday or Wednesday after school next week to take your baseline test.  The test will take about 45 minutes.  Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.


6.       ALL Cinderella cast should report to the auditorium with their lunch and costume after school.  We will rehearse until 3pm.


7.       All Wrestlers please return clean uniforms to the Main Office.


8.       If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2012-2013 school year, then plan on coming to our practice days.  The practice days are Monday, March 19th and Tuesday, March 20th from 7:30-8:45 in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  The Try-out Days are Monday, March 26th and Tuesday, March 27th beginning at 5:30.  You MUST attend BOTH practice sessions in order to be eligible to try-out.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School Cafeteria.  More detailed information will be given at the first practice session.  Hope to see you there.


9.       Attention TV Studio Members:  Next week’s schedule is now posted.  Please check it before you leave for the weekend.


10.   Today in 1961, newly elected President John F. Kennedy issues an executive order establishing the Peace Corps.


11.   Tryouts for the 7th grade Knowledge Bowl team will be held in room 115 during activity period and lunch on Tuesday, March 6.  Bring your lunch to room 115.