1. Today’s lunch is penne pasta with meatballs, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Any 8th grade girls interested in playing soccer at Conestoga next year - there will be an information meeting with the high school coach on Wednesday during activity in the wrestling room. Please see Miss Hickey if you cannot attend.
3. And now the answers to the last 5 questions from the What a Life Academic Integrity questionnaire:
a. While you are trying to come up with an answer to a test question, you glance at another student’s desk and see the answer and it reminds you that you really knew the answer all along. THAT IS CHEATING
b. You forgot to study for a test you have on a Monday morning so you tell your teacher that your grandmother died over the weekend and you were too upset to study and your teacher allows you to take the test another day. THAT IS CHEATING
c. You write a few formulas on your hand for a math test just in case you forget but only need to look at your hand once during the test. THAT IS CHEATING
d. You are writing your first research paper and are not sure how to do it so you read over a few of your older brother’s papers on completely different topics just to get an idea of how to write one. THAT IS NOT CHEATING
e. Quoting or closely paraphrasing the writing of others while leading the reader to believe that you are the author of the text is called PLAGIARISM. Is this cheating? THAT IS CHEATING
f. Thank you to every one who participated.
4. Today in 1868, for the first time in
5. On this day in 1865, with the main Rebel armies facing long odds against must larger Union armies, the Confederacy, in a desperate measure, reluctantly approves the use of black troops.