1. Today’s lunch is Soft Taco with Cheese, Diced Tomatoes, Lettuce & Taco Sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Attention all lacrosse, baseball, and softball players that have never had an ImPACT test. Please go to the library Wednesday after school to take your baseline test. The test will take about 45 minutes. Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.
3. Any 7th and 8th grade boys interested in trying out for the baseball team should come to the Large Group room during your activity period today.
4. It's time for the 5th/6th grade play! Cinderella and the Substitute Fairy Godmother will be showing Friday March 9th at 7pm and Saturday, March 10th at 7pm. Tickets will be $3 and all proceeds will be donated to the Dragonfly Forrest. We hope to see you there!
5. The Math League Test will be held today in Large Group Room 12 during seventh period. Participants should report promptly following 6th period. Please bring a calculator and a pencil.
6. ALL Cast AND Crew of Cinderella: We have our FINAL REHEARSAL today after school. Please report directly to the auditorium.