1. Today’s lunch is Baked Potato Bar with Broccoli, cheese and seasoned meat, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. The high scorer on the March Pennsylvania High School Level Math League Contest is seventh grader, Jon X. Jon had a perfect paper! Alex Wang, eighth grade, has the highest cumulative score for this year. Congratulations to them and thanks to all who participated. Good job!
3. It's time for the 5th/6th grade play! Cinderella and the Substitute Fairy Godmother will be showing Friday March 9th at 7pm and Saturday, March 10th at 7pm. Tickets will be $3 and all proceeds will be donated to the Dragonfly Forrest. We hope to see you there!
4. On this day in 1669, Mount Etna, on the
5. 8th grade Girls Lax will meet today during Activity in the Large Group Room
6. Do you love games like Trivial Pursuit? Do you stop what you are doing every night at 7:00 to watch Jeopardy? If so, then you might be interested in competing in this year’s Knowledge Bowl. Try-outs for the 8th grade competition and a general information session will be held this Thursday, March 8th in Mrs. Ferenchick’s Room 220 during activity.
7. Cast and crew of Cinderella: If you are performing today, please head down to the LARGE GROUP ROOM with your lunch at 12:00.