1. Today’s lunch is lasagna roll-ups with spaghetti sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.
2. Please remember that today is the last day for our Change for Champions drive…..donate loose change….help Special Olympics….and have a chance to win some great prizes!!
3. Congratulations to Abby C., Jill S., and Caleigh S. for being semi-finalists in the ‘Young Writers Take the Park’ event in Manayunk on Saturday. A special congratulation goes to Lauren H. and Davis O. for placing in the six finalists for the event; they were competing with 29 students from five other middle schools and will be published in Philadelphia Juniors Magazine.
4. ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS OF SEWING CLUB, DANCE CLUB, HOMEWORK CLUB, CROCHETING/CORAL REEF CLUB, & MAINTENANCE MONDAYS: Please come to Room 113 before homeroom on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 to have your group picture taken for the yearbook. Club sponsors are welcome to come also if they would like to be included in their club’s picture. This is the last opportunity you will have to get your picture taken for this year’s yearbook. Please see Mrs. Matilla with any questions.
5. Attention all 8th grade students - applications to be a peer mediator at Conestoga is now available in the main office. If you have any questions, please see Miss Hickey.
6. The 8th grade boys' lacrosse team beat