Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Announcements for Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1.      Eighth grade field hockey practice starts today.  Please meet in Mrs. Patek's room at 3:00 dressed ready to practice.


2.      There will be sectionals for all girls in both 5th and 6th grade chorus during lunch activity today.  Any 5th or 6th grade girl who is signed up for chorus or who would still like to join chorus should report to Room 10 during lunch activity today.


3.      Attention 7th grade field hockey player:  Practice has been cancelled this week.  Our first practice will be Monday, September 21 at 3:00.


4.      Attention anyone interest in joining TV Studio:  There is a meeting today, September 16th, right after school in room 226 for anyone interested in joining TV Studio.  If you cannot attend please see either Mr. Ferris or Ms. Crocker.  This is for new TV Studio members only, returning member who have turning in their paperwork do not need to attend.


5.      Attention returning TV Studio Members:  If you have not yet turned in your paperwork you will not be on the schedule for next week.  Please remember to turn in your paperwork to either Mr. Ferris or Ms. Crocker.


6.      All 8th grade girls who have their paperwork completed for volleyball can meet in room 122 after school on Thursday for practice.  Those girls who are interested in playing must complete all forms and hand them in to Mrs. Stead in the main office.  Please see Mrs. D'Angelo for any questions.