Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Announcements for Monday, March 21, 2011

  1. Lunch Today is pancakes and sausages, assorted fruits and vegetables with low fat white or chocolate milk


  1. A reminder to all 7th grade students going on the Williamsburg trip that the second installment of $105, if it has not already been submitted, is due to Ms. Wilson by Thursday March 24th.


  1. Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is Tuesday 22 March after school. We will prepare for the Prep conference at Temple University.


  1. Attention Yearbook Staff:  we have a meeting tomorrow during lunch activity. This is a mandatory meeting, photos will be taken and our deadline will be addressed...


  1. Today in 1963, Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco Bay closes down and transfers its last prisoners. At it's peak period of use in 1950s, "The Rock, or ""America's Devil Island" housed over 200 inmates at the maximum-security facility. Alcatraz remains an icon of American prisons for its harsh conditions and record for being inescapable.


  1. Congratulations to Cynthia H, April H, Courtney K, and Alex W who placed 6th as a team at the state math counts competition this past weekend. Alex W. also placed 13th as an individual.