Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Announcements for Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - Day 2

1.      Today’s lunch is Pizza Dippers (Cheese Filled Breadsticks) w/Marinara Sauce, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.      The Helping Hands Club is collecting new toys, games, and craft supplies to donate to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia from now through January 6th. We are asking students to donate new, unwrapped items to give to kids at the hospital recovering from illnesses. Please drop off donations in the Main Office with Mrs. Galella. Please provide your name and homeroom number. The homeroom that donates the greatest number of items will win a donut breakfast in January. Thanks for helping!


3.      There will be a holiday card, compliments of Ms. Turner and her art students, in the cafeteria this week. This card will be sent to Jay Raffetto who is a former student. Jay is recovering from injuries received while serving in Afghanistan at the Walter Reed Medical Center. All students and staff are encouraged to sign the card.


4.      On this day in 1991, in a final step signifying the dismemberment of the Soviet Union, 11 of the 12 Soviet republics declare that they are forming the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Just a few days later, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced he was stepping down from his position. The Soviet Union ceased to exist.