Friday, March 19, 2010

Announcements for Friday, March 19, 2010

1)      Attention all Model UN club members - the permission slips for Tuesday's field trip are due to Mrs. Cook or Mrs. Kearney by Friday 19 march. If you don't have one, get one.


2)      On this day in 1734, Patriot politician Thomas McKean is born to Scots-Irish Presbyterian parents in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He will eventually serve as president of the state of Delaware, president of the U.S. Congress under the Articles of Confederation and chief justice of Pennsylvania s Supreme Court.


3)      Lend a Hand will be selling pretzels and juice boxes after school on Friday March 26th in the lobby, by the auditorium and by the back doors to raise money for the victims of the Chile earthquake.  Please bring in a dollar to purchase a pretzel or juice box and help support a great cause. 


4)      On this day in 2003, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq.