Friday, May 14, 2010

Announcements for Friday, May 14, 2010

1.  Haiti t-shirts are finally in.  They will be sold during lunch in the cafeteria for $15 all this week.  Today is the last day to buy a shirt.  All proceeds will go to Haiti relief efforts.


2.  Attention all 8th graders planning to audition for Variety Show, forms are due to Mr. Schweitzer no later than today, May 14th.  Auditions will be held on Wednesday, May 19th immediately after school in the auditorium.  Any questions please see Mr. Schweitzer, Mrs. Tyrell or Mrs. Rickel.


3.  The Winners of the What a Life, Spring Break Challenge are Alexia D., Bharti K., and Juliann S. Each wins a $5 gift certificate to the school store!

4.  The Winners of the What a Life, Expressions Contest are Juliann S., Hannah A., Sara W., and Haley V. Each wins a $10 gift certificate to Handel's!

Winners can pick up their prizes at the school office starting this Friday.

5.  Next week is the "Hugs for the World" stuffed animal drive. Bring in new or like new stuffed animals Monday-Thursday and drop them off in the collection boxes in the lobby.  More details are available on posters around school and also on the website


6.  Attention Track Team:  The list has been posted for the Continental League Track Meet on Monday and the Lower Merion Relays on Wednesday.  You must attend today's practice if you intend to participate in either event.  If you have a conflict, please contact one of the coaches prior to practice time.  The Valley Forge Relay list will be posted at a later date.