Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Announcements for Tuesday, May 25, 2010

1.  Attention all 6th and 7th grade students.  If you are interested in playing football, soccer, or field hockey for TE in the fall then it is mandatory that you take the impact concussion baseline test.  Please see Miss Hickey to sign up for your time to take the test on either June 8 or 10. 



2.  Recently, our TEMS Model United Nations club traveled to the University of Pennsylvania, to discuss and debate the topics of Information Technology use in the world, and the education of girls around the world. Because of their high level of speaking, writing, and defense of their thoughts, they were awarded commendations for each topic discussed. The students cited that day were:    Sreejata M. ,      Dalia A,     Arun B.,      Rohan G. ,      and Rahul G.         Please congratulate them when you see them.


The Model UN club will finish its year this Thursday with a party after school. See Mrs. Cook for details.



3.  All 8th graders participating in the Variety show Must have their permission slip signed and returned to Mr. Schweitzer by Wed. the 26th in order to perform on Thursday.



4.  Attention 8th graders… There's only 16 days left to order the Memories 2010 DVD.  Discs are selling quickly and supplies are limited.  See Mr. Veroneau in room 212 to reserve your copy.



5.  Please return your washed uniforms to Ms. Seymour in room 225.


The track party is next Tuesday, June 1, 2010 directly after school.  If you are able to attend, please bring $5 for pizza, soda, and snacks to Ms. Seymour by Friday, May 28.



6.  Attention 8th grade girls lacrosse players. Mr. Cockerill will be collecting uniforms on Thursday May 27, Please bring them to Mrs. Patek's room during lunch activity.