Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Announcements for Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - Day 2

1.     Today’s lunch is Chicken Cacciatore over Pasta, assorted fruits and vegetables, and low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.     Attention Dance Club Members: Dance Club will meet today.  Please try to attend if you are performing during half time in the Student Staff basketball game.  Please see Ms. Seymour for your performance permission slip by Wednesday after school.


3.     Today's rehearsal for Cinderella is LLAMA CAST AND BOYS IN THE AUDITORIUM.  Remember that YAK CAST AND BOYS HAVE REHEARSAL TOMORROW!!!


4.     There will be NO AFTERS for 5th and 6th grade this week.  See you next week.


5.     Yearbook staff may pick up cameras tomorrow at the close of school in the Tech Ed Lab. Also we will meet for an extended meeting on Friday, February 24th in the Tech Ed Lab starting at the close of school...


6.     For the 5th consecutive year the "Conestoga Middle School" wrestling team, a team consisting of TE and Valley Forge wrestlers, competed in the prestigious South Eastern PA Championships at Quakertown High School, five of our wrestlers medaled.  Our wrestlers and their teammates worked really hard and represented our school district exceptionally well.  Great job to our future Pioneer teammates.


7.     Congratulations to the 8th grade girl’s basketball team who finished the season with an amazing 18 and 1 record. The girls demonstrated hard work, good sportsmanship, and dedication to the team throughout the season. Coach Burg says she is so proud of you and good luck during the student/faculty game cause you’re gonna need it!!


8.     Congratulations to Sr. Carvajal’s homeroom for winning song of the week.  The song was I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction.


9.     As What A Life wraps up the theme of how the pressure you feel from peers can challenge your Personal Integrity, we give you some

Tips On Being True to Yourself 

•  Be who you are, be your genuine self

•  Follow your own value system and common sense

•  Listen to the advice of others you respect, but make up your own mind

•  Recognize, appreciate, and develop your unique talents

•  Stand up for what you believe in and you will gain respect

•  Know that having the confidence to act independently is a gift

•  Understand that you enrich others by being your true self

And a quote to think about today from Dr. Suess….

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind”