Monday, March 5, 2012

Announcements for Monday, March 05, 2012 - Day 4

1.      Today’s lunch is Pancakes & Sausage, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.      If you would like to be a Conestoga Football or Basketball Cheerleader for the 2012-2013 school year, then plan on coming to our practice days.  The practice days are Monday, March 19th and Tuesday, March 20th from 7:30-8:45 in the Valley Forge Middle School cafeteria.  The Try-out Days are Monday, March 26th and Tuesday, March 27th beginning at 5:30.  You MUST attend BOTH practice sessions in order to be eligible to try-out.  Practices will be held in the Valley Forge Middle School Cafeteria.  More detailed information will be given at the first practice session.  Hope to see you there.


3.      Attention all lacrosse, baseball, and softball players that have never had an ImPACT test.  Please go to the library today or Wednesday after school to take your baseline test.  The test will take about 45 minutes.  Please see Miss Hickey if you have any questions.


4.      Any 7th and 8th grade boys interested in trying out for the baseball team should come to the Large Group room during your activity period on Tuesday, March 6th.


5.      It's time for the 5th/6th grade play! Cinderella and the Substitute Fairy Godmother will be showing Friday March 9th at 7pm and Saturday, March 10th at 7pm.  Tickets will be $3 and all proceeds will be donated to the Dragonfly Forrest. We hope to see you there!


6.      Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls planning to play softball…..there will be a meeting on Wednesday morning at 7:30 in Mr. Allison's room to prepare for the upcoming season….All interested players should attend…….T/E Softball….Catch the Fever!!


7.      What A Life’s Questionnaire Contest on Academic Integrity is this week.  Students will receive a Questionnaire in their homerooms.  Take some time to think about each unique situation and complete the questionnaire.  Once completed, the Questionnaire needs to be returned to the What A Life box in the Office by 3pm this Friday, March 9th. Why should you participate?  Prizes of course.  Multiple prizes will be given out in each grade, some randomly for correctness and others just for participating. The Integrity Quote this week again comes from Albert Einstein….  Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.


8.      Congratulations to Mrs. Thomas’ homeroom for winning song of the week.  The song was Haunted by Taylor Swift.



Song of the Week Update


Mrs. Rickel’s homeroom continues to hold on to the top position in the 5th Grade. Following closely behind are Ms. Houghton and Mr. Mattison. 


In 6th Grade, Mrs. Loukissas’s homeroom continues to battle for the school leadership and holds a slim lead over Mr. Broadhead.


Ms. Wilson has managed to create a small gap over the rest of the 7th Grade and is still in the hunt for the top spot in the school.


Mrs. Tyrell’s lead in 8th grade is down to one point over Mr. Ferris and everyone should be worried now that powerhouse Mrs. Baker has returned.


Mr. Boukalik has pulled clear from the rest of the competition to take sole possession of the school leadership.  However with only a one point advantage over Mrs. Loukissas, there is no room to falter.


Remember – every correct Artist you submit is worth 1 point, every correct Title is worth 1 point, and winners of the week are drawn at random from all entries.