Monday, April 23, 2012

Announcements for Monday, April 23, 2012 - Day 3

1.      Today’s lunch is Pancakes & Sausage, assorted fruits and vegetables, low-fat white or chocolate milk.


2.      The Yearbook Club contest to win a free yearbook has finished and the winners are in.


The 5th grade winner is Miles H, 6th grade Jessica P, 7th grade Nina B, and 8th grade Elizabeth A.


Congratulations! You will get your free yearbook on or around June 4th. For those of you who played but did not win and you would like to see the correct answer to your question it will be posted in the cafeteria on the board by the TV.



3.      What A Life Announcement


Your Personal Integrity includes how you are in your sports teams, in music ensembles, and in clubs.   Upholding your integrity during competitive and perhaps stressful events makes you a more confident, positive person. 


Our Quote this week comes from Vince Lombardi, a National Football League Coach, Hall of Fame Inductee and the person who NFL Super Bowl Trophy is named after. 


"It's easy to have faith in yourself and discipline when you're a winner. But if you want to be a winner you must have faith and discipline even when you're not a winner. "



4.      Attention all Model United Nations Club members - our next meeting is today after school. We will be finishing our resolutions and getting permission slips.


5.      According to tradition, the great English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare is born in Stratford-on-Avon on this day in 1564. Shakespeare also died on this day in 1616 at the age of 52.